Hi lewisbrd, welcome to the forum!
Pretty weird that you can only remember dreams with TV on. Perhaps this makes you sleep lighter, thus enabling you to remember your dreams. For me it would be absolute horror to sleep with TV on since I value quiet sleep.
If you want to be able to remember dreams (because you always dream, you just dont recall on waking up), without having to rely on a TV, I suggest first of all that you turn the thing off during the night. Then get used to sleeping TV-less, and do practises to increase recall. If you have’t checked yet, on the main site, there’s lots of info on this. Also, on the forum there’s a thread about dream recall, which you can find here. One thing I can already suggest is that you try to recall dreams by setting an alarm 1 hour before you would normally wake up, if you have the time for it. When the alarm goes, turn it off if nececarry, and lay quiet in your bed for a while, thinking about what you just dreamed off. If you dont remember anything, try to go through several topics and see if anything rings a bell (for example, think of all the different people you know, settings, etc). This might jolt your recall.
About your last question, there is no danger in (lucid)dreaming whatsoever because whatever you do, it all happens inside your mind, dreaming being a mental event. So whatever you see (and I dont say you wont “see anything”, because I think anything is possible, perhaps you can try find your guide in a LD even!), it depends on your own reaction if it is positive or not.
Well, that’s most of what I can think of. Good luck in your quest to lucid dreams .