Last night I had two NDs. One of which I re-entered twice. I found a new world. It is definitely off-world but I think it is too soon to say I’ve completed any task.
OK, so now that my recall is getting up to speed, I am getting LDs. I had two last night. I also did a RC for each LD. I don’t usual RC while dreaming, my lucidity is like a light switch at the moment, as soon as I’m a bit lucid I go all the way. Anyway, I have been testing my recall for the fun of it. I have been waiting a minimum of 15 hours between waking up and writing in my DJ. Doing so has reveled to me a new memory paradox. Alright I think I have typed to much already. Goodnight, and good luck.
One dream here this morning. I technically stepped inside of the Tardis although it was somewhat devoid of detail. Not sure if it’s eligible for the Space Craft points.
Task 2 - Time traveler
The Journey by Kristina Vardazaryan
A week has gone by. Space dreams will continue to give you late task points. Because the first task focused on dream setting, the second task will be an action.
You get task points if:
You time travel.
That’s it.
There are many methods to achieve this. Are you in a game dream and it’s going poorly? Start from a previous save. Or you could find a time machine. Or use willpower to turn back time. Maybe time in the dream acts weird on it’s own and flows backwards or something. All of these work. Travel to the future or the past. Use technology that doesn’t exist or see sights that are not part of the present time. Meet your past self. Have fun!
Week 1 points:
- Siiw - [color=#ffd700]134 points[/color]
- obfusc8 - 132 points
- DTDownUnder - 105
- James_UK2008 - 90
- En’enra - 15
- Jer - 15
- moogle - 10
- Dreamjutsu - 0
- Fate - 0
- Quicksilver21 - 0
- Koal44 - 0
Not that it makes much difference but I had a second fragment
2 Dreams + 2 Lucid Dreams here this morning. Tried to shapeshift into a Lizardman as per my goal in #4 but alas, it wasn’t to be.
23/9/2016 - 1 dream. Can’t be bothered to write up, coz it was dull…
24/6/2016 - Nothing at all.
25/6/2016 - 5 lds! and a normal dream. link
One fragment and one dream last night, no time travel
26/6/2016 - 3 dreams. The game dream was online so I respawn rather than load and replay a saved game… and then later I rewind a film, but not the whole dream.
I’d like to try this And, I’m sure, it’ll help improve my spotty dream recall/lucidity of late. Do I need to wait for the next cycle/task?
glypheye. If it was me, I would start from current task but wait until the official go ahead from Letaali before posting results.
Monday 27 June Completed the current task, dream not that interesting though (but then again the independent time travel films I watched to get in the mood weren’t that exciting either )
Sounds good, that’s what I will do.
Just thinking about the task prompted interesting results in last nights dreaming…but will keep it to my DJ until officially welcomed into the mix
@glypheye: Of course you can join! Tell me a personal goal of yours and start posting dreams! I will add you to the list of participants in the first post.
Awesome, thanks Letaali
One thing I think would be cool in dreaming is to visit another planet out of this solar system…maybe in another galaxy!. But to be able to get there in one continuous flying experience. Like to start lucid here on the dream version of earth…take off into the sky and into space and then fly out of the dream solar system…out of the galaxy, to another world! That would be very cool, I think Seems like making it a nice, smooth, sustained transition of flight to that world would make the world seem more real…more vast? I don’t know, but sounds like fun anyways.
Maybe that’s too complicated, though. I’ll just say “Visit a planet in another galaxy!” and keep it simple
Looking back on my dreaming last night…1 ND and then 2 lucid fragments. (sorry…don’t know how to create a link to DJ in my posts )
Both lucid fragments involved seeing something historic…crash site of antique commercial aircraft 1st fragment, and then the house that was combo of old style architecture and representative of Van Gogh’s art in the 2nd fragment. Seeing the VG house was a deliberate attempt to accomplish the task of time travel while lucid…but, didn’t really accomplish the task, though the results were interesting
The link to a specific post is found above each post by pressing the little white icon next to “Posted”. Then you link it like this:
[]This is the text that becomes a link.[/url]
And that DJ post is a little confusing to me. So the first ND was about battleborn. Then it seems like you had one dream where you “fall asleep” and become lucid and “wake up” back to the previous scene, before actually waking up. So that would be a lucid dream in my opinion. 1 ND and 1 LD, right?
Sry about the confusion about my dreaming last night. (I tried the link feature for my DJ, but couldn’t get it to work properly. Sorry, I’m not very good at this kind of stuff. I’ll just make reference to my DJ each time and if someone wants to look over in my DJ, they can. If not, no biggie )
Yeah, I guess you could sum up last night saying 1 ND and then 1 LD, though the lucid portions just seemed like brief fragments from within the 2nd dream of house sitting. I’m not sure what’s technically considered a formal LD vs lucid fragment