
Well, it comes down to looking at what’s truly happening, what people THINK is happening, and what some of us hope to happen.

Unless something drastic happens, soon we are gonna lose our freedoms one by one. The fear of terrorism will turn America into lockdown mode. It will pass, hopefully, but it is to be a rough time. The food shortages, clean water, everything. Scarce.

Of course most people don’t think it’s true, but more and more people are beginning to wake up.

I stand by my word, Hillary is evil.

what you are describing cannot happen unless you want it to happen in your reality

objective reality has trends which cannot be argued with, however, the interpretation is subjective, which therefore aligns and marries each of us to where we will be as things are.

this is why the utilization of the mind to think about what is wholesome is of dire importance.

But what I am describing would be that very objective reality. Our minds alone can’t change that.

->know, how would you <-what is going to happen, ?