obe (How to?)

moved from Gen Luc to the beyond forum (and added (How to?) to title). There is a BIG many part topic on OBEs in here. :moogle:

sorry if ths is the wrong place but how do you do a OBE :help:

Getting hit by a car sometimes helps. :tongue:

(Sorry, couldn’t resist. :shy: )

Try OBE forums or guides. On my thread in Quest for Lucidity, people said a vibrating feeling I had when attempting a WILD could have been an up-coming OBE. They mentiones that although LD and OBE is related, the techniques are different, yet can be similar?

Google is your friend =D

Good one BeRightBack ! :content:
(Couldn’t resist either)

Um, Mask, is it so hard do search the forum ? :tongue: Supposing you don’t know how to, here are a few links to help you out:
OBE’s, dreams and REM

This I really suggest you to read (and watch :wink:) carefully. It might help you a lot.
Lucidology 101

Good luck !

This is one of the first links I came across years ago that gave me my first and so far only OBE.
