OBE's---Finding Saddam, WMDs, terrorists: PLEASE JOIN

this could very well work, i dont know since i never projected (when lucid)
I would try it if i could, cause i think it sounds intresting, and i also think ppl here who are able to try it should at least try it before claiming this to be a bad idea…and as jjj said…25.000.000$ :smile:

I wouldn’t even consider trying :panic:

Whoever, is going to try and find Saddam Hussein for the 25,000,000 dollars has lost their soul. Help Bush?! your out of your mind. Doing it for the sake of Peace! your brainwashed, and i feel sorry for you. Using astral projection to do anything that would be for the purposes of destruction of a life or anything will simply hinder you from communicating with your higher self.

P.S Dont turn this into a political argument? Dont post this kind of bullcrap then.


Even if this OBE technique works it would be unpossible to find any weapons or Saddam. Where do you want to search?



It’s been reported that Osama uses “psychic shielding” of some sorts. I agree that this idea has potential.