Obsessive LDing Can Be Very Bad

i see what you mean, but i just don’t see how someone could get so… involved in LDing like dorothy could be with the “Wiz of Oz”.

Lucid dreaming is hardcore. It blows reality FAR out of the water. It gives you the chance to temporarily replace reality with fantasy. The possibilities are endless while lucid. It’s pretty much right up there with AP/OoBE’s… just one more thing to re-assure some of us that our existence does not end with death. Ever since I had a shared dream with my best friend and his girlfriend,(now his wife) I would have to say that calling lucid dreaming bad or listing conceived consequences in any way is just a strait-up crime. Besides, just because you sleep on average, 8 hours a day, doesn’t mean you dream 8 hours a day, and certainly not lucid dream for 8 hours a day… :content:

If one was to be addicted to something, lucid dreaming would be one of the only things I wouldn’t mind them being addicted to. Being a Pisces, I am probably prone to escaping reality and enjoying it more-so than any other zodiac sign… but I know everyone tries to escape it occasionally at least. I for one, am not content with the current reality. Starving children, war, etc. In the meanwhile I will enjoy the love, joy, and peace I get from lucid dreaming, along with my other scapegoats.

I remember reading Animorphs in grade-school, and thinking to myself how much I wish I could turn into an animal. Who would of ever thought that I actually could, let alone fly or see the future? Cloud nine brought on a whole new meaning for me. :cloud9:

In conclusion, if you want to hate on something, hate on narcissism. That’s our real enemy. :ohno:

P.S. Good luck on LDing everyone. You have my total support. :cheer:

there is a major flaw in this u only spend like 20 minutes a night in REM no matter how long you sleep so u can only have a max no matter what and if ur living reality im sure you would live it thebest u can no matter what

Uh, obsessive anything is bad.

I understan the OPs concerns, but I don’t think it’s very likely to happen. There are perhaps people with with mental disorders that could theoreticly get in that situasjon… still…

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that everybody reading this topic and finding it vagely interesting should see the movie The Good Night (imdb.com/title/tt0484111/) with actors such as Martin Freeman, Penelope Cruz, Simon Pegg and Danny deVito (playing an LD guru).

Obsessive LDing is a major part of the movie.

No? obsesive … jogging can’t be bad?

I started experimenting with ld 3 years ago.It took me only 6 months to,REALLY get it down to a regular thing.Things in my life with work and family were so bad I used LDing to escape,So much that I started doing It every night.Wich in turn caused me to have periods of insomnia that would last up to 3 days.I didnt realize I could use it as a tool and im gonna give this another go,wish me luck.