One Lesson...

Love, and be loved.

I have more…

1.Show love
2.There is no good nor evil,only hate.If we live on the same stinking ball why not get along?
3.Listen to your heart,brain and guts,not to the people.
4.Better have few and good friends than many and bad friends.
5.Better be a living dog then a dead dragon. :tongue:
6.Don’t be rude to ppl.
7.I believe in “God” and it helps me.

Just one knowledge per poster pridak :truit: or ask the author if its okay for more suggestions :cool_raz:

My lesson: Life is sweet if you care to live it and spread love to people.

Lesson:Hugs always help. :hugs:

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
-Dr. Seuss :smile:

^^^^^ Always loved that one

Don’t cry because of your friends,because a true friends doesn’t make you cry.

Never ever pop an Omega-3 pill.


Whats wrong with Omega pills?

Have you ever popped one?
If no,don’t try it.

Don’t cry over spilled juice :tongue:

The swedish version is dont cry over spilled milk :cool_raz:

“All things were made to be yours and you were made to prize them according to their value.”

“All that is not music is silence.”

“Would one think it possible for a man to delight in gauderies like a butterfly, and neglect the heavens? Did we not daily see it it would be incredible. We rejoice in a piece of gold more than in the sun, and get a few glittering stones and call them jewels. And admire them because they be resplendent like the stars, transparent like the air, and pellucid like the sea. But the stars themselves, which are hundred times more useful, great, and glorious, they disregard! Nor should the air itself be counted anything, though it be worth all pearls and diamonds in ten thousand worlds. A work of God so divine by virtue of it’s precious and pure transparency that all worlds would be worth nothing without such a treasure.”

  • These are all quotes from Thomas Traherne that I like.

How to get through a depressing situation and deal with stress and/or danger.

Another great one Adahni!

These are things I remind myself and always say to my children:

[i]Always have hope and don’t ever lose faith

Do your best and let God take care of the rest[/i]

And when they tell me about something that hurt them emotionally. I sit, listen, empathize, hug and tell them “that sometimes things happen that are out of our control and sometimes we took part in our own hurts but recognizing that you are hurting is part of the healing because its your inner alarm clock telling you to open your eyes, heart and soul and learn. We can’t change what we did or what happened yesterday but we can always try and make today better”

and then they tell me I’m a nerd or some other loving term teenagers have for their moms. :wink:

Yes,i know that version,we have one in english too…

:lol: Lum,good one!

Even if you’re sure the world ends tomorrow,don’t fear,a miracle may appear. :grin:

From a disection,you won’t find out anything about the soul,n’or mind.