online aura color test

#1 - RED - 3
#2 - ORANGE - 3
#3 - MAGENTA - 4
#4 - YELLOW - 5
#5 - Logical Tan - 3
#6 - Environmental Tan - 6
#7 - Sensitive Tan - 5
#8 - Abstract Tan - 0
#9 - GREEN - 3
#10 - BLUE - 8
#11 - VIOLET - 6
#12 - LAVENDER - 9
#13 - CRYSTAL - 8
#14 - INDIGO - 8
#15 - RED OVERLAY - 3

highest to lowest:

Blue: 9

Indigo: 8

Green, crystal, violet, abstract and logical tan and yellow: 7

Environmental tan, orange and lavender: 6

Sensitive tan and magenta: 5

Red: 3

Red overlay: 0

Personally, I think this is a load of crap…

#1 - RED - 3
#2 - ORANGE - 0
#3 - MAGENTA - 0
#4 - YELLOW - 1
#5 - Logical Tan - 6
#6 - Environmental Tan - 8
#7 - Sensitive Tan - 1
#8 - Abstract Tan - 5
#9 - GREEN - 4
#10 - BLUE - 0
#11 - VIOLET - 5
#12 - LAVENDER - 9
#13 - CRYSTAL - 7
#14 - INDIGO - 3
#15 - RED OVERLAY - 3

Im the lavender boy. Oh my :wink:

You know what, this is more like a personality book than aura colors… besides, I think the description for color blue and green is switched. Both are peaceful colors, but green is known for emotional rapport, blue is known for being stable and a little persistent.

Ah but who cares, this is about personality :content:

10 - blue, crystal, indigo, violet. Blue(green :neutral: ) best describes my outer, natural personality (only I don’t cry, I just care), and indigo & violet really explains how I view physical body and reality in the inside. Especially Indigo, I’ll come back to that later. I’d give crystal 9 though…

8 - lavender. Accurate enough. Hey, but dirt is beautiful.

6 - blue(green). Ditto

5 - env. tan, sen. tan, and magenta. I have no idea why magenta is so high. I may be a kind of anarchist but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about morality or environment. The only thing bizzarre about me… is that the others seem so bizarre these days. Sanity is an interesting concept. Okay maybe I am…

4 - abs. tan, yellow. On the contrary I don’t know why my yellow is so low. Only I don’t express, or share with a variety of people. Maybe that’s why? I don’t know…

3 - orange. Fair.

1 - log. tan, red, R.overlay. Hey, I’m not illogical… I’m just not interested in the details.

[b]Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here, Indigos are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness.

At this writing, most of the Indigos are children, although there are a few Indigos who came as forerunners years ago. The words used to describe Indigos include honest, aware, highly intuitive, psychic, independent, fearless, strong-willed, and sensitive.

Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they’ve come from. Some consider Indigos to be bizarre. These assertive individuals are born with their spiritual memories intact. Many parents report that their Indigo children regale them with vivid details of past lives or recent encounters with spiritual beings. Parents also report that these children can read their minds and seem to have amazing psychic abilities. Parents are often at a loss as to how to raise these amazing little beings.

An unusual characteristic of Indigos is that they frequently appear androgynous. It is often difficult to tell if Indigos are male or female, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, or asexual. It’s as if Indigos have both the yin and yang, male and female qualities within them. Their sexuality is not their primary concern however; it is their spirituality.[/b]

I do not have androgynous appearance(though I try hard to act like it. I like neutral personality the best, so that I would adjust well to both sex), nor do I think I’m more spiritually advanced than others(though sometimes I do when I’m really angry. I bet everyone would have experienced it :tongue:)

and that’s the reason why I’m not a 12 in Indigo. I like this color the best so far.

I wish I were an Indigo. Maybe this really isn’t me, but it sure is a personality I admire the most. Really, one day I would like to meet another person with this character predominant. It’s difficult to meet though…

(I’m not a psychic, but I do admire living like that)

Logical Tan-5
Environmental Tan-1
Sensitive Tan-3
Abstract Tan-4
Red Overlay-2

Does this mean I’m balanced or chaotic?

I got bored and retook it…

4 Red
3 Orange
5 Magenta
7 Yellow
7 Logical Tan
8 Enviromental Tan
7 Sensitive Tan
5 Abstract Tan
5 Green
9 Blue
9 Violet

6 Lavendar
9 Crystal
8 Indigo
1 Red Overlay

Interesting change… :eh:

Indigo - 10
Violet - 9
Crystal - 8

Red - 1
Orange - 1
Magenta - 5
Yellow - 5
Logical Tan - 3
Environmental Tan - 2
Sensitive Tan - 3
Abstract Tan - 2
Green - 3
Blue - 7
Lavender - 7
Crystal - 8
Red Overlay - 3

I didn’t feel like putting the other ones in order. Indigo, huh…?

all i need to say is that i scored 9 magenta and 9 indago

Mine came up as mostly crystal which is correct because I do seem to get along with most people and sort of absorb whatever emotion they are feeling and I will usually feel that same emotion.

Hmm… this is what i got… :grin:

#1 - RED: 2
#2 - ORANGE: 1
#3 - MAGENTA: 1
#4 - YELLOW: 4
#5 - Logical Tan: 8
#6 - Environmental Tan: 7
#7 - Sensitive Tan: 3
#8 - Abstract Tan: 7
#9 - GREEN: 1
#10 - BLUE: 2
#11 - VIOLET: 0
#12 - LAVENDER: 12
#13 - CRYSTAL: 6
#14 - INDIGO: 7

#15 - RED OVERLAY: 0

:nuu: :ebil:

I asked Pam(The write of the book life colors) what is my aura ans she answerd me!
my life color is violet/yellow and I have in my outer band crystal and a little blue!
you can read in the site what it means…

P.S. I found out that most of us are crystals, blues , yellows and violets !