Please answer my questions (first LD)

I had my FIRST LD and it was so freakin’ amazing!
It only lasted for about 20 seconds from realizing that it is just a dream to i false woke up.Actually i had 4-5 FAs but i realized that i a dreaming every time just could control one of these.
I won’t tell the whole dream because i have very vivid and long dreams so i will tell the LD part.
So i was walking on the street in Budapest with some children (i think i was a superstar or what) when suddenly a girl who i’ve not seen for a long time said “Hello” to me.I didn’t even do a RC(which i do for about a week now), i realized i am dreaming.
So i shouted “I am dreaming!”.
I wasn’t satisfied with the detail of the things so i shouted: “Incrase lucidity”.
The picture became VERY VERY realistic.
I was watching myself from 3rd person and suddenly i found myself in a desert.
I tried to levitate a guy but i didn’t manage to so i wanted to fly.
I flew up to the clouds(now i felt like i am watching myself on a monitor but i still felt the wind and it was strange).
I woke up(of course it was a FA)
So my questions:
-Was this a lucid dream that was because of my RCs?
-Can that be the problem that i didn’t have a quest for the time being lucid?
(for example:try to fly)
-Why couldn’t i levitate the guy?
-Should i try interesting things in my next LD or first i should try to go with the dream to have longer LDs?

-Why is it, that i always watch myself in a monitor?
-Why is it, that i usually watch myself from 3rd person?
Thanks in advance!:smiley:

Title edited for clarification. :mattias:

-Was this a lucid dream that was because of my RCs?
No idea. :razz: some LD’s can happen randomly without there being a clear reason for them. But if you got lucid it means you’re doing something right!

-Can that be the problem that i didn’t have a quest for the time being lucid?
(for example:try to fly)
What problem? Having a goal usually helps prevent you from doing random or even boring things. But there’s nothing wrong with not having a goal.

-Why couldn’t i levitate the guy?
Since you’ve never done this IWL, you don’t know how it works or feels. Some things in LD’s just need practice and concentration. I love making things levitate, but even though it’s a dream and weight shouldn’t matter, I find it harder to levitate big things. So next time maybe you can try to levitate a small object first and see how that goes.

-Should i try interesting things in my next LD or first i should try to go with the dream to have longer LDs?
I’m not sure. I say you should just experiment around. Have fun. Try new things adn practice old things.

-Why is it, that i always watch myself in a monitor?
-Why is it, that i usually watch myself from 3rd person?
I don’t know, many people dream a lot in third person view for some reason. I almost always dream in first person, so… :razz:

Just keep practicing and you’ll get better! Don’t forget how awesome it felt! and welcome to Ld4all :wave:

  • Well, it wasn’t directly that your lucidity was influenced by RCs, since you became lucid spontaneously, but they probably had you thinking about lucid dreaming in real life, so you could say that they’ve probably helped.

  • Only if you lose lucidity before you can think of doing something; if your dream is stable, then probably not. You can ride along and see what comes to mind.

  • Because you weren’t fully lucid (that might be why you viewed yourself from 3rd person perspective) and probably not confident enough. Did you have any doubt that you would succeed?

  • It’s your call, one’s freedom is what makes lucid dreams so interesting.

The last two:
You weren’t fully lucid, that’s probably it.

Enjoy, I hope this helps :smile:

Well, I didn’t really expect this and that’s why i think i had:D
But I hope I will have another this night.
Oh and another question.
How long does your LDs take?
And if you say, IDK, 5-10 minutes that feels very much?
Thanks in advance and for the answers:D

Well, there you go, that’s the answer then :happy:

Well, they always take a different amount of time, so it varies. Well, time can be very different in LDs, sometimes it goes faster and sometimes slower than time IRL, but 5-10 minutes, speaking in dream time, is pretty good.

-Was this a lucid dream that was because of my RCs? - Yes, but not because of RC’s, this is called a DILD.
-Can that be the problem that i didn’t have a quest for the time being lucid?
(for example:try to fly) - No, you have to practice everything in LD’s because it’s so formed to you because it is actually all in your head, if you KNOW something will work, it will, if you’re doubtful at all, it wont.
-Why couldn’t i levitate the guy? - Someway or another, you doubted that you could.
-Should i try interesting things in my next LD or first i should try to go with the dream to have longer LDs? - Do either, or both? :smile: i do actually like to stay in the sequence of events in my dreams even while lucid, i just spice them up with telekinesis, levitation, and flying, and predicting the future :smile:

-Why is it, that i always watch myself in a monitor? - N/a
-Why is it, that i usually watch myself from 3rd person? I don’t have an answer to this, but for some reason it happens to me fairly often aswell.