Poll: Will you ever give up LD and go back to normal dreams?


You’d rather to take money instead of LD’ing? o_0 That’s getting really interesting… care to share why?

Well if it was a choice between LDing or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 then I’d take the cash. LDing is a huge amount of fun, but it’s a relatively small part of my life. It accounts for no more than a couple of hours a month.

Money would transform almost every aspect of my life for the better, and that of my friends and family, and charities of my choice, and passing strangers. No financial worries, more choices in life, better healthcare, better education for my kids etc. LDing just gives me occasional fun. I love it, but it’s not hugely important.

Not that it matters, since I’ll never need to make the choice. I plan to become disgustingly rich and continue LDing :smile:

Hmm… I understand where Badcandlejack is coming from. LDing is nice for our own lives, but what about those around us? Family, friends, children… LDing is great and definitely important to me, but if you really did need the money to improve your life… Well, I would understand. You can’t hide in the dream world forever :peek:

Mm Daysong you wear the ring of wisdom! :grin:
With so much money as Dm7 said u could do so much good in this world that i would make the sacrifice for sure to never LD again…wow with that amount of money I could give the world economy and science and such a huge lift upwards :smile:
Also feeding the hungry in this world…witch are many :sad:

And for you Daysong i would buy the original ring of the movie LOTR…as a small present lol :smile: Knowing i would do you a favor with that hehe and your own horse!


I really need the cash so I’d take money over LDing plus I wouldn’t be missing many LDs. My last LD was in April so no biggie. Now if I had LDs regulary(1 or more a month) I wouldn’t take the money.

as far as i am aware we cant give up lding so i would take the money and then i would still ld and i would like to c em stop me

Why not make it a reasonable offer?

You can have either the ability to lucid dream for however long you want, every single night, at the maximum level of power – OR – a realistic sum of money that extends into the billions of dollars (or equivalent in your country’s currency). Which one would you choose?

It goes without saying that I’d take the lucidity. Sure, with the cash you’d never have to work again, or otherwise do anything of even slight discomfort… but I stand by my choice. Just to be clear, the lucidity you experience is no less real than life itself. Unless you specifically request otherwise, even clocks work right.

but hey, with that much money you could just hire some actors, an island and a coupla scientists and maybe some builders to simulate 50% of LD’s anyway. Alternatively you could cryogenicaly freeze yourself until holgrams or virtual reality are to such a point where they outclass lucids… money can buy a lot of things… plus, as has been mentioned, it would virtualy impossible to stop you LD’ing once you develope it. I mean, how do “they” know what you’ve dreamt or not.

So basically, it’s a choice between lots of money and being God for about an hour a night. Hmmm… :wink:

Ah, but that’s not quite a reasonable offer, Atheist. Of course everyone would choose LDs every dream (unless unwanted… ungrateful people like DM7… self hypnotize herself, which must have taken a while, and then throw it all away!! :grin: ) over all that money, if you’re extremely, extremely stupid, that money COULD run out (plus you could get threatened by assassins to give you money all the friggin long day) but LDs will never run out and no troubles can arise out of it. Plus if you do the VR thing hackers can break into your network and see exactly what you’re fantasizing about (not good for the press…)

Ha ha ha! :cool_laugh: Are you saying that I’m selfish? Ah, I will use that to help me share my abilities with everyone else. :wink:

By the way, if I had endless money and I didn’t have to work again forever… I would go crazy… believe me… especially if I couldn’t LD’ing anymore. I don’t do very well with a lot of time. I learned my lesson and now I’m trying to make most of my time (I still need to work on it though ha ha ha).

That’s why I chose LD’ing over money. Plus you’re right… I have gone this far… I just can’t throw it away. :bored: Also it’s far too entertaining for me to say, “Blah, screw LD’ing I want money!” Yeah right. :tongue:

I think even never having had an LD myself that i would definately choose LDing. Im with DM7, i think that if you never had to work again you would get very bored. You’d have so much money that you could have whatever you wanted. Eventually you’d have everything and there’d be nothing else for you to do. And supposing you had yourself frozen and the inflation skyrocketed, what before would have been a lot of money is now mere pocket change, plus any one that meant anything to you would be dead already and you’d have no one. Yea…that sounds really great now doesnt it.

Sounds like an unlimited LD.

Speak for yourself dude, I think I’d still take the money. I suspect that I’d eventually tire of constant LDing, once it’s no longer special, once you’ve done everything you can think of and are forced to resort to variations on a theme, and when I woke up I’d still have to pay the bills and destroy my soul at my crappy job and worry about my health and my future and that of my family.

LDing is wonderful but it’s essentially trivial, there’s no depth to it. Your actions have no lasting effect, dream characters’ responses have no continuity so there are no relationships to build up. I think it works better as an irregular, entertaining escape than as a major aspect of life.

Super point. Usually I resort to running amok on these forums whenever I’ve got time. :wink:
I’d never want to have everything done for me in life. If I’ve got a billion dollars, heck, I’d want to at least be able to spend time building me a super high tech house (star trek doors at the very least dude) AHAAHAH!
See, you can have something to accomplish even though you’re super duperly financially blessed. Plus I would fund lots and lots of research, so I can do more stuff. But still, LDs would be better for me…

When I can LD often, the thing I will strive for most is regular character behavior and personalities (making room for small changes, as in real life…) I believe you can generate separate entities from your own self in your subconscious. Many people have said that DCs can act with their own will. As for my power over their wills, I’ll try to supress that. Maybe a little self- hypno will work. It’s possible- most anything is possible in a lucid dream, right?

The way I see it life is short. Too short and without LD ing we unconscious sleep through almost half of it. So giving up LD ‘ing = giving up ½ my life and there is no way I will do that. So the answer is no. I would not give up LD ing. Not for anything. LD ing has been a huge part of my life and will continue to be.

Me, In a life without LD’s, impossible. There is absolutley no way one who has been LDing like me to do everything from practice sports to rehearsing speeches in my sleep.

So the basic soncept here is NO!! I would never stop LDing.

I have had 4 Ld:s before i knew that they were and know that i know what they are i could not go or should not go back to norma sleeping, im a newbie at Ld:ing started 2 days ago, still have a long way to go before my First ld but im Positive about it :content:

Why would I give up LD’ing?


i won’t give up lucid dreaming for a trillion dollars in gold.


That’s a lot :smile:

The ONLY reason of why I might give up on LDing is if it’s replaced by a higher level of consciousness, whereby the illusions which still exist in a LD, are reduced to nothing more than shadows reflecting in a mirror :smile: