I couldn’t be bothered to think up what targets to use either so I made a list of loads of them and a way to randomly choose some here (near the bottom of the page). Some of them may not be relevant for everyone.
Add more to the list if you like!
[mod]No, please don’t. Or else, the BIG MILD topic will tranform into a playground thread. [/mod]
[Serbitar edit] Ah…good point.
[/Serbitar edit]
Edit: I just had an idea for hitting the targets. I normally use a variation of this for retrospective memory like a list of things to buy in a shop. (I know thats prospective, but going to the shop doesn’t trigger the memory, I just count upwards from 1 and the numbers remind me of the things to buy).
Choose some targets:
- The next time I juggle;
- The next time I see an advertisement;
- The next time I go into a shop;
- The next time I hear someone say my name.
Then you need a mental image to represent doing a RC, for example a watch.
Then all you do is link the image of the RC to an image of each target in some wierd way.
I would imagine:
- Juggling lots of huge watches;
- A huge billboard with a big picture of a watch with the words, ‘Am I dreaming?’;
- Hundreds of watches flooding out of a shop onto the pavement when I open the door;
- A big watch standing, facing me shouting, ‘Serbitar! Are you dreaming?!’.
If it works, the next time I juggle it will trigger the association I made with a watch which represents the RC so I do a RC.
It may sound silly to you but it really works for retrospective memory. The trick is to exaggerate the visualisation in some way: size; number; swap the roles around; or anything wierd!