Protected too much (split from "A dream made me...)

Nicholas Roberts
I think you may find more information in this other topic by Seraphim
we don’t want this split topic going off topic too :tongue:

My mom doesn’t want me to go far away…So annoying since everything is so far away from the area I live in! :grrr: I never go on field trips. I can hang out with nearly anyone, just not go out of town… :neutral:

Whatever you I’d be very careful to share my opinions to people like that girl’s dad, they are usually very narrow-minded unreasonable people. I’ve seen it so many times, once had to deal with it, never can reason with someone like that… (he may be different). Try to be polite and slowly draw out what you’re trying to say, being direct is what really caused trouble for me.

Dads, moms ,boyfriends…all talking bout virginity- purity.
Heh, its childish thinking that a girl`s purity or honour or dignity or what else you want there is represented by this little, thin, physicall feature.
Its not between her legs but in her head.Any girl can make perfect wife regardless of wheter she had 100 boyfriends before or just few.Speaking from experience if she had none she will propably not, but not because of her but because such person requires extra sensitive and wise husband.She will go through many sexuall stages with him and not everything will be pleasant.
Taking a virgin for a wife is maybe knocking on someones ego but its full of suprises and it takes a lot of maturity to handle it right.
Anyways…its everyones choice and im not saying whos wrong or whos right.Just pointing that experience in sex does not make anyone a hooker or less respectable person.These are different things- i.e girls who lack love in their family or are abused tend to loose their virginity earlier because they desperately look for acceptation and love.So they have one boyfriend after another but not because they are easy.They make as good wives as virgins if not better.

And thirdly- it can be lost during physicall excercises, backyard games, masturbation- there are many non virgins with no sexuall experience.

Having above in mind i consider being so much attracted to this one thiny thing a joke.
Good luck there.

I’m strict with my teenage daughter too. But I’m definitely not saying I’m perfect.

Sometimes you can’t be too careful. I would appreciate a talk if I were the parent. But then I’m very open and easy to talk to. I would first ask the girl if she’s okay with you going.

Amen, Jack!

Totally agree with you this time.

Overprotected ones are usually even more tend to break the rules and limits of their parents as a sign of protest.