Question (just read) dreaming and anesthetic

Hahahaha :happy:

Wow, you guys are courageous. Last general anaesthetic I had was for surgery on the lungs. I don’t smoke, but I had surgery for “collapsed lung” (pneumothorax), and I remember having experienced something that I THINK may be like sleep paralysis only it wasnt; so now that I am trying to learn lucid dreaming, and experimenting with WILD; I am a little scared.

Apparently general anaesthetic works in two phases (or more?). Somehow I woke up between the two phases. I was completely paralysed, I couldn’t even move my eyelids! But I DID hear the damned surgeon talking about where to do an incision and pressing hard on the side of my chest, needless to say I was really scared as I thought the anaesthetic didn’t work fully and I thought I was going to feel everything O_O. Thank god I lost consciousness shortly after.

I seriosuly wouldn’t try to increase my awareness during surgery. I supposed if you fell back to Sleep paralysis and you don’t feel anything at all due to the anaesthetic, but if you do hear the people around you it may be a bit disturbing no?