

I’ve been trying to get a lucid dream for about a month now (no success :sad: ),

  1. Whenever i attempts WILD, it takes really long for the numbness to kick in, at least 30 mins, is there any way to reduce that time? (I tried meditating, doesn’t seem to help much)

  2. When attempting WILD once the numbness finally does kick in, later something just “clicks” and the numbness instantly disappears (no, I’m not in a dream), at this point i get really frustrated and go to sleep normally. Any tips to stop this from happening?

  3. Auto suggestions, I tell myself that I will wake up after a dream. Whenever I do this, I do seem to wake up at some point during the night, But I can never remember any dream ( :sad: ) so I don’t know if it’s the mantra or if it’s random.
    Any way to tell?


I seem to have the same problem as you when I try to WILD. Everything seems to go well and I can almost feel myself being somewhere else than in my bed, but everything is just black and after some time (30-45 minutes) It just pass away and I can feel myself lying in my bed again. :meh:

WILD can be trucky and can demand lots of practice. One thing that might help get you into the numbness quicker is practicing not to move your eyes. When you WILD in the morning try to stay absolutely still. The eyes usually twitch a bit, but you can get used to relaxing them ahd getting them still. This way, I believe, your body thinks your mind is asleep quicker.

I’ve been having some great results with autosuggestion. I recomend this thread here: click me


Auto suggestions really seem to work. My DR has been fading lately, but I tried a mantra and I remembered 3 dreams (only parts, but still). I also tried to get lucid using it, no luck yet.
Tonight I’ll try to use it as a substitute for my alarm clock.

WILDS are best performed in addition to WBTB. This may not be true for ALL, but scientifically documented for most. It plays on our circadium rhythm, our natural cycle of day and night. I suggest sleeping from 10:30-4:30 a.m. Watching the sunrise with mediation and mantras then return to sleep roughly 30-45 min. later. Your body is in a relaxed state, and this timing can greatly reduce the time delay your experiencing while trying to bring on SP. Here’s the thing, combining it with WBTB can often land you in the middle of a dream quickly. I have had a couple successes where I grabbed my steering wheel and pulled myself into a driving dream, where I continued to look out my windows and patrol my neighborhood.

Health plays a bigger role in this than many are either portraying or aware of. Diet, exercise, and a clear conscious (no luggage) will boost your chances more than any technique. Promise.

Could You help me a bit with timing things?
When should I go to sleep (assuming I need to be up at 6am)?
If I wake up at 4:30am and meditate for half and hour, then spend another 15-30 minutes falling asleep, it seems that there won’t be enough time to have a dream.
So I guess the question is, how long do I have to sleep (after WBTB) to have a LD?

These things can vary a bit from person to person. If you have to get up early I suggest doing a smaller WBTB. Maybe just sit up and stay with your eyes open a few minutes?

WBTB is great but losing sleep because of it isn’t :neutral: that’s why most people do WBTB on weekends or whenever they can sleep more.

But if it works for you… :grin: My problem with WBTB when I have to get up at 6 is I stay too aware when I lie back down. Even if I have 1 or 2 whole hours to LD I’m aware my alarm will go off soon, etc. But that’s my stupid mind :lol:

the “numbness” is called WSP or waking sleep paralysis, you body falls asleep becouse it presumes that the mind is asleep, many things can trigger the body awake, like
breathing to hard or fast
but for some reason, talking, or moving your head doesent affect it unless its affected your head already.
if this happens, you need to start all over again :grrr:
normally after this happens, HI starts appearing, and you can make your way inside the dream.