I find that counting my fingers is not only the most reliable for me, but nobody seems to care (or notice) if you look at your hand for a couple seconds.
Also, if you want to be inconspicuous (sp?) you could use the good 'ol clock technique! (Check time, look away, Check time again). People do this all the time even if they don’t know about reality checks, I guess they just don’t really look the first time or something
LOL CanOy ! When I red your first sentence, I was wOndering hOw many RC’s yOu’ve dOne while writing this pOst !
And welcOme tO the fOrum !
Hey… in my dreams i just cant seem to do any realioty checks… i had a lucid dream last night… first proper one i have had!! yeay! was aweosme but the way i found out it was a dream was that my dogs multiplied into 20 of each… so i relaized hey wait… im dreaming
… how can you make sure in yrou dream you will do an RC every time? and sometimes i dream that i am writing in my dream journal and wake up and nothing has been written and it pisses me off that i was dreaming!.. help
This has happened to me so many times. I have seen it happen to al lot of others, too. At least, it shows that you are thinking about dreaming in your sleep. All the talking/reading about dreams are leaking into your subconsious.
And I have done a RC when I see certain things for months…and I forget more often than I remember to do them, in a dream.
Hi shroom ! Congrats for your first “proper” lucid dream !
It’s not because you’re doing a lot of RC’s IRL that you will remember to do them in a dream. But doing RC’s gives you the habit to doubt about your environment, and thus it makes you more often realize that you’re dreaming.
If you often dream that you’re writing in your DJ, it could be a very good dreamsign. As Siiw points it out, this is related to dream, and it means that you’re sort of prelucid. In my opinion, these kind of dreamsigns are the best to reach lucidity.
You can suggest yourself to become lucid next time you dream about your DJ, or check reality when you’re writing your dreams down IRL.
Thus was said:
I use a reality check everytime i see the sixteenth letter, which means very much when learning. I haven’t used any RC’s while writing this.
Interesting. Reality checking increases but reading speed decreases? Bad idea. I dislike this. The letter between N and P (avert it!) when interested in finishing the writing? Might cause text which reads strangely. I pity this idea’s users.
As Basilus West said, the RC quantity is under the RC quality. Better is making sure the reality checks are meaningful and sufficiently lengthy. That means ruminating lucid dreaming will happen. That is nice.
I am happy in making lives easier by passing that letter in my writing. It makes rather beautiful writing.
Well, I try to have a limit on how amny RCs I do/minute. When I read a lot of text, like in a book or a forum, I ingore them. Only when I…say see a license plate or a book title with the letter O i do them.
Damn, I can’t remember to do the checks anymore, I got a circle on my hand but I don’t notice it anymore
got to find another way to remind myself…
Just set your mind to doubt everything, Eldoras.
I used that mark on my hand for a while, then I forgot about it. I’ve stopped doing RT’s everytime I read an O, because it was so annoying in the end. Now I do RT’s when I remember then (everytime something odd happends, or I’m talking/reading aobut dreams)…Or just when my mind wanders to Lucid Dreaming…Which means I do about 10-20 RT’s/day.
Random yet funny thing that happened to me when I was trying to remember to do reality checks: I put a big RC on my daily planner so everytime I wrote down homework or something I’d remember to do a reality check. Bad idea. My friend saw it, and it turns out that we both know a boy who’s initials are RC. She assumed I had fallen for him enough to put his initials in my planner. She still doesn’t believe that I was just trying to induce lucid dreams and had no feelings for him what so ever
LOL Charlotte !
Perhaps a better idea would be to do a reality check every time you see your friend R.C. ! And if you write RT instead of RC in your planner, take care that you don’t have another friend whose initials are RT !
lol! Will do!
Those ROFL smilies look funny.
If you look at it carefully, they actually “slide” more than actually roll.
hey again, still no luck with RC’s, just keeo forgetting soon i will get it… i need to be bothered to do NILD [WBTB] im too sleepy most of the time to wake up again… i will do that probably tonight, or try to atleast… thanks for the help guys
does anyone ever post hear? it takes ages for an answer!!
If you want an answer, you might want to ask for a question.
Anyway, it’s been about 30 nights. How did it go?
I still only had like 1.5 LD’s so not an imrovemnent yet… but im not really doing any RC’s lately only doing WBTB and WILD/MILD after going back to sleep lucid after the WBTB so its really getting my dream count up and i remmeber lots of dreams now but cant get lucid and that is mostly due to RC’s!!!
shit havbent been here for 2 months… had more LD so its all good… no one posts here still… no questions yet guys… im getting betetr at this