Rude Awakenings - Take it from a Bedwetter

One time I woke up and I was hanging off of my bead with only my an arem and a leg

I’ve had several of these “bathroom” dreams, but I’ve never actually wet the bed. Usually I’ll pee in my dream, but then I’ll still feel like I have to pee, and I’ll get so confused that I wake up. Either that, or I try to pee in my dream but it doesn’t work. I know I have to pee, but nothing happens. And then I wake up.

I get loads of these too - but I’ve stopped disliking them now, since I’ve become lucid in them twice now and they seem to be an easy dream sign to recognise.

I’ve never had a rough awakening because of a dream but once my brother dropped his cat on me while I was in the middle of a dream. Completely ruined my DR that morning :wallhit:

Speaking of cats, I’ve woken up in pain a couple times because of a new kitten at my house. The kitten had a habit of jumping on my bed at night, and my eyelashes happen to be fairly long. You know how your eyelids twitch during REM sleep? And you know what cats (especially kittens) do to long, thin, moving objects?

That’s right, I woke up twice with a kitten attached to my eyelids. After the second time I kept my door shut at night.