Okay, just let me know when I meet the requirements
w00t! Im a librarian! Me work now…
Alright, so hypothetically… if I joined now, what kind of work needs to be done that hasn’t been or isn’t being worked on by someone else? Also, I think I may want to be a librarian but my schedule’s pretty tight so anything I do might take a while to finish.
I wouldn’t like to give all the details about the projects in here, but I can say that:
- You will be able to start your own project if it isn’t on this list
- You will be able to take over somebody else’s project if they give permission (which is likely because there hasn’t been much going on recently)
- You can provide feedback to other librarians about their projects so far
- You will be able to help us develop ideas for the library
All of which are very useful.
Edit: There is now a full project status list available for the public eye. It is here.
We get that a lot! Whatever you do is fine.
So, would you like to join?
If you want to be a librarian just PM me or post here and I’ll make you one
Can’t imagine how the p got there. Fixed.
Actually I don’t think I’d be a good librarian. I’d really like to, but when I think about my schedule, my work as a librarian wouldn’t just take a long time, it would probably never get finished. My schedule just got unexpectedly busier (yes, more so than before) and in my very rare free time I’d rather be doing something else than this. Sorry.
could be fun…but being a junior is hard! can i be a temporary librarian during summer?
Yes, you don’t have to be a librarian forever.
I’d like to help … I know I haven’t been around long but I enjoy doing ‘research’ on anything I’m interested in, and helping out with compiling stuff about (lucid) dreaming should help keep me focused on the subject & (hopefully) keep me motivated!
I’d like to apply. I believe I’d make a valuable asset to the team and would be helpful.
I tend to be good with thinking up and critiquing things. I can point out flaws in arguments or typos and am pretty creative.
Thank you for your interests. We would like active members for the librarians. As soon as your post count is 50, and your activity is regular, then please feel free to PM me and I will be more than happy to sign you up.
Thanks again
i’d like to be a librarian please!
Ilovelucid, we also need a demonstration that potential librarians know their way around the forum
my apologies
No, there’s no need to apologise
Ok, I’l bring this out in the open. Earlier in this month when I joined, I read this thread and became interested in becoming a librarian. I send a PM to Q and she forwarded my request to Technodreamer. He said that he would moniter m progress and send me a PM when I became active enough to tell me that I could become a librarian. Well, I signed up for the researchers group, and I ended up having to PM Atheist after about a week and a half, to ask for approval since the forum message said: Your membership is awaiting approval, and I couldn’t post new topics. So, I can understand if a mod forgets about certain things. However, my post count is above 50, and I have been very active in ld4all, I don’t know if I am missing some other requirement that I dn’t know about but… Anyway, I sent two PMs to Technodreamer. One several days ago. Another when I saw that he was on today. He hasn’t responded to either. Technodreamer, if you read this, I apologize for this complaint. I still assume that you have a valid reason for not getting back to me, I just don’t understand what it is, but I know that you post often in this thread, so here again lies my request. If you do not need additional Librarians at this time, then please let me know. If I can become one, then please let me know.
You still need to find… the magic ring!
Nay, I kid. Don’t worry, I’m sure Technodreamer will add you soon, and perhaps we will be able to revive the library project, as my coursework is in today.
lol. ok. coursework??