Scribes needed :) Apply within.

What sort of info has to be compiled in the library now?

Have a look here:

I would very much like to be a librarian :content: but i’ve only been here a matter of days so i guess it would be best if i waited a while? I do research every day as im very keen on LD and love this forum!! :tongue: I spend upwards of 6 hours a day on here just reading peoples techniques, experiences and seeing what people are like! :happy:

lol ash ur addicted i feel proud to have told anth who told u :razz:

Yep i can’t get enough of it :tongue:

Welcome to the library :smile:

I would love to be in the librarian group. I’m a fast typer so that won’t be a problem… it’ll be a perfect chance to get to know the techniques thoroughly aswell!

Whats the liberians `?


It’s closed now anyway isn’t it? Like you can’t apply.

I could definitly submit some articles which I am meaning to write, once I write them I’ll submit them :smile:

on the contrary :smile: You are welkcome to apply :happy:

The librarians corner is now a private forum only librarians can access. If it becomes buzzing with activity again, i’ll reopen it for all members to view. (you can post in there only when you are a librarian)

Ilovelucid, I love lucidity too :content:

Would you like to become a librarian?

:smile: yes

Can i be a librarian?

Yes :smile:

I’ll add you now :smile:

YAY! Thanks, now i shall begin my reign of terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriffic librarianism. WOOT!

I guess I’d have to say that I would like to become a librarian.

Welcome abroad both of you!

I’ve added you to the group Fiver :smile:

I’d love to be a librarian, but after careful concideration I don’t feel I have the time to put into it to be a useful librarian.

Maybe in the future.