Sandra made me a proposal I just couldn’t decline.
— revival flashback “we can win this thing together” the second —
A room, finely furnished in what seems to be a style similar to Victorian. SANDRA is sitting in a red sofa, behind a wooden desk, surrounded by her BODYGUARDS.
BRUNO walks in.
Cut to:
CLOSE at SANDRA’s face, somewhat covered in shadow.
SANDRA, with heavy Italian accent: “Welcome, my son. I have called you because I have an proposal to make for you—I have an offer you just can’t refuse.”
The theme from The Godfather starts playing.
— end of the revival flashback “we can win this thing together” the second —
You stiw need any libwawians?
Cause I think I couwd be a good libwawian.
Yeah… I’ve aways wanted to be a libwawian.
But dad aways said: “No Bob you can’t be a libwawian, you have to be a home insuwance sawesmen when youw owdew!”
And even though fathew said no I stiw wanted to be a libwawian secwet in my mind.
Can I be a libwawian pwease-pwease-pwetty-pwease?
I would like to be a librarian if you’re still recruiting! I don’t know if I’ll still have time once school starts again but until then I have a good project in mind that I don’t think anyone has explored yet.
Hmm… I’m confused. It says in the description to come here if you want to join but below that it says no more users accepted
My reason would be to start one, if not several, projects on dreaming, experiamental dreaming techniques, and shared dreaming. I would want to present evidence, and list places they could go to help have one.
Hey… I was wondering if I’d be appropriate as a librarian?
I’ve noticed that the CALD thread is too long now to get the information out-- and after reading the librarians jobs, I realized it’s pretty much perfect for what I was thinking-- I really don’t mind shuffling througha ll of those pages and extracting the information-- And for CALD, i have all of it stored inwardly already since I have read every post ever regarding it…
I think I’ve met the 50 useful post requirement-- I hope I have
Hi I finally got 50 posts!!! I want to be a librarian because I love to help. I think I would be great in organizing and composing data. I am also good at writing walkthroughs and FAQs. I dont mind going through lots of pages to look for info. I’m often online and I check my email often so I can help people who have questions. My computer is also fast and has great antivirus so there will only be a small amount of days I cant work.
I’ve seen this topic for quite some time, but usually ended up skimming over it. Still in need of help? I’m not quite a fan of making new topics, but I like to consider myself decent when it comes to finding relevant posts and/or articles.
I would like to apply for Librarian. I sometimes see posts that should be put somewhere else, but no one has gotten to it yet and there have been more than one post in several places and I had no power to move the topic. So by saying that I sign my name kT4all wanting to be a librarian. I do also come on here everyday when I get the chance.
KT—what you’re applying for is not what being a librarian is. What you’re applying to is forum moderation! Librarians don’t move posts around, all they do is compile relevant information and post as indexes or articles in the Knowledge Base. No post moving involved.
As you can see my post above…Then I didn’t know what it was and wasn’t interested in it. Well guess what, I am now! I would like to be involved in helping with other librarians with their projects. I have also gained a lot of knowledge while my years of LD (or months) and can give advice to many lucid dreamers.