SD: Need to sleep at the same time?

Splitted from another thread which wasn’t really related to this question. I prefered to give it its own thread.

This thread made me remind an old question i had… still have it actually… :grin:

Does time interfier(?) with shared dreams? Does two people necessarily have to be sleeping at the same time to meet on a dream?

Well, it seems to me like you have asked two questions, whether time interferes with shared dreams and whether two people have to be sleeping to MEET in a dream.

First off, for a shared dream to work i beleive that both people must be sleeping and both must be lucid :sleep: . Whether you are the lucid one and you show your friend that he is lucid, the point is both must be lucid.

For two people to meet in a dream, they don’t necessarily have to be sleeping. If it’s possible to meet movie characters who aren’t real, i think it’s possible to meet people who aren’t really asleep.

One thing i cannot answer however, is “What if someone is not asleep, and you meet him in your dream and you want to have a shared dream?”

No Idea :content:
Hope this helps

I’ve had a dream in which a met a friend who gave me an information. It’s related here. He wasn’t sleeping at this time, so he wasn’t aware of this.

Anyway, by definition, it sounds like that in a Shared Dream/Mutual Dream, both people have to be aware of what happens or else it’s not really shared nor mutual. :content:

Another thing: I remember a shared content dream that two people had. The content was so curious that it would have been an incredible coincidence. But it seems that though they dreamt it the same night, it wasn’t exactly in the same time.

Yes and no, depending on how you take on the task.
One possibility is to meet in a dream and it seems like it would be good to sleep at the same time( not necessary though as your partner can have this dream few nights after and if there was no talk about it before between you two ,this could be called shared dream).
Another possibility is to leave the object in a box in a particular localization for your partner to find it and say what it was- i.e- choose a house you both know in real life, choose a room and box colour.Then in a dream one leaves and another tries to find what was left.
Difficult it seems in both cases,but answering the question- time is not too important,can go with different times.
good luck.

I dont think the two person have to be lucid. One yes but the other no. The lucid one can meet his friend while his dreaming and he is not lucid . After that he can try to transphorm his friend into a lucid one .