seeing peoples auras

what do you think of my aura?
a few things. its a real photo of my aura, how it was taken.
i was to sit in a chair and place my two hands on two metal plates… click!
is my aura cool? is it normal? im 27 male

my aura

hmm… what can I say, it’s quite… .red :tongue:

didn’t you get an explanation with the picture?

I am better at “reading” aura’s without such a picture, I see it differently than the picture takes it.

First I say that there already is one auratopic (witch unfortunately became inactive :sad: ) Secondly, how do you do when you see auras, I cant succeed (havent tried since that topic went inactive :sad: ) Please use it again :tongue:
And thats it :razz:

I could be mistaken, but I was thinking that cameras which are designed to take photos of “auras” are inaccurate because the method they use doesn’t depend on the reality of the aura… So Q, I think you have something going on here.

i love auras and have read a lot about them but unfortunately never seen one.
hopefully will some day :smile: and Q, did you see Auras as a kid or did it develop over time?

That’s cool, I’ve been moderatly interested in auras but i’ve never looked into it.
Pasqual, how did you come of your ability?

thank you GHOSTIE11, forgot about this topic :grin: merged into it now.

and how I see aura’s. Well I don’t really see aura’s all the time or like colors around people, although I see that too sometimes. I have always wanted to be able to see them (it seemed such a cool ability to have :grin: ) and my wish came true :grin:

I have developed it on a course here in holland, it is called “intuitive development” and you learn to tune into your aura and see it. And it developed from there I think. Now, it’s like I can put on a different set of glasses so to speak, like you have those nightvision visor things? I have my “aura” vision thing I can switch on like that. It works better when i’m totally relaxed and really tuned into the person I see, and then I can tell people things what I see like problems they have, see where the energy is blocked, etc. I can tune into the chakra’s for example and see if you have blocks there, if it’s very open or close. But it depends also on how “open” the person is (how the trust is, how much they want to show), and I never do this without permission.
It’s still a skill I’m developing though.

It was very advanced english :confused: But if im right the course was in Holland??? Might it be auracourses in sweden :confused:
And yeh, I have vision abilities, but cant control them :wallhit:
And thats it :razz:


Seeing auras it’s seeing pure energy. I’ve taken a course here in Portugal about aura readings. there must be other methods…
There is a meditation I have to do on order to read auras - Rose Meditation.
I don’t read it with my eyes opened, and I can see a lot of things besides the aura.
I can see the person’s essence, the connection to the divine, past lifes, each chacra…
All these are in relation to the present time of the reading (that’s why many times those photos do not work). And the intention is to help the person in that moment of his/her life.

I guess could see peoples aura’s anytime, without meditation as so can you.
Because we all can see energy, we have just been told otherwise.


welcome to LD4all Ana Teresa :smile:
How does the Rose meditation work? Is that like seeing a persons rose and then “reading” the rose? Since on the course I did we did a lot with visualising roses too.

GHOSTIE11, well, maybe do a search for that in swedish google, see what comes up? Here in Holland are quite a few of these courses nowadays, so I think in sweden must exist something like that too.

Hi again and thanks for the welcome :smile:
The rose meditation is about using the roses to clean our spiritual body.
They clean each one of our chacras, they protect us (outside of the readings as well), they clean our energy channels in order for the earth and divine energy to flow through us…
In the first part of the readings the essence of the person is seen through a rose and every part of the rose, is a part of the person.

GHOSTIE11, as you know, as some say “everything is in divine order”!!
Can you believe that a year ago I did a course with a great great man - Michael Fikaris. He is american but he has been living in Sweden for some years… Isn’t this world a small one??? I did “Avatar Power” with him here in Portugal and should I say, DO IT if you ever have the chance. link to site removed, please read guidelines


I’d personally love to have that ability. I’d also like to find someone to read mine. :neutral:

I am trying to learn how to read people I don’t know, have never met, or have never seen…It’s hard! I’ve gotten good at seeing my friends and people I know. I’m decent at seeing people I don’t know, but can visually see in front of me, but as soon as I can’t see or feel the person (IE: someone I met online) I can’t do it.

To see auras though, I don’t need to see the person, I actually close my eyes. I just need to know them or know where exactly they are. Hopefully one day I’ll understand how it works and will be able to teach others.

So it works better with closed eyes :happy: Ok, but it requires motavation to do it? I dont know. Ill try the method :grin:
And BTW, :welcome: TC_1986 to LD4all.

so we can train to read auras huh?! that is great! because even i want to see them and help people. I wish there was a course near my house here in Virginia, USA.
i think i should do research on google and find one! thanks PasQuale for repyling. :smile:

Yeah, I have a psychic ability but can’t control it much of the time :grrr:
It sort of runs in my family, I got it from my mom’s side, :content:

But anyway, I’ve never actually “read” someone, what do you see?

An aura reading is actually the spirit sending messages to the person, as most of us aren’t really in touch with our spirits.
When I read auras I see colors that contain a message. that message usually comes as short movies… it’s fun!

I’m in touch with my spirit, I have 2 actually if you’re counting spirit guides.

But by spirit do you mean personality?


:bounce: That would be quite interesting if he could read your aura.