Self Hypnosis

I think, if you feel something, that you are in the good state and if the hand thing didn’t work, you can say your mantra if you want.

I also tried this. As I counted down I would say things like “10, I’m getting relaxed as I move deeper into a hypnotic state; 9, my unconscious mind is paying close attention, ready for commands.”

As soon as the countdown was finished, I told myself I would count to 5 and when I got there my hand would close into a fist. Amazingly, my fingers did close for the most part, and relaxed when I reversed the count.

After that I used a MILD mantra. I’ve done this 3 mights in a row with limited success, but I know new techs take time. Definitely interesting.

I’ve been trying this a few times, and have gotten some good results with DR :smile: I have been trying to meditate too, which always helps. I only tried the hand thing once :tongue: I have a feeling that won’t work for me. But I might try it again.

Oh, and I’ve been counting from/to 20 instead of 10. It made a nice difference for me. I still think I should be able to relax some more…

If you did feel something in your hand, I suggest you to insist. Try different way to say it. Exemple, the best sentence for me is: my uncounsious control my hand and he decide to raise it.
I think you need to search the good sentence for you.

Hmm? I said that it worked. And I’m saying something similar to what you are suggesting… I’m not sure I get what you are trying to say.

Some sentences are better for you. The best sentence for me is: my uncounsious control my hand and he decide to raise it.

3 questions:

  1. Do I do this when I first go to sleep or when I wake up to WIlD?

  2. If I do it before I go to sleep the first time, do I do it right when I get In bed or after I’m laying down for a while.

  3. Am I supposed to count down from 10 slowly?

This may sound stupid but you dont say you think it, right?
Or do you actually talk out loud?

Hi Aliz :smile:

You would do this in your head. If you were talking, you would probably wake yourself up too much :wink:

Hope that helps, let us know if you have more questions.

I will be sure 2 try this method of self hypnosis tonight and the rest of the week and see what the results are. definately sounds worth trying. I will get back and let u know how it went for me.