Sex in Dreams

Um… I’ve had dream sex with my spirit/dream guide MANY MANY times and it was great. Is that weird or somehow wrong? haha. I’m a RL virgin :eek: so sometimes even when I’m not even very lucid I come to the realization in my dream that, “hey I want to do the nasty.” I’ve tried it with both genders too. I also one time found that I had a penis for some reason so I masturbated. Somehow all that stuff seems more desirable when I’m dreaming. People say I’m “freaky” for some reason… ;-D
If only I could use the awareness to become lucid rather to get laid.

Now you made me think: If you i had a vagina would i play with myself…uhmmm… Thats a new post and topic that should be answered, b/c honestly in dreams you reveal what you really want or what you desire, but most can dis-agree with that statement. But very intresting
aydira , thats my first time i have ever seen anyone come up with a topic that is so different.
By the way did you reach a Orgasm with your penis ?

I felt an orgasm but I didn’t ejaculate in the dream or anything but this was many years ago so maybe I didn’t know much about that. Maybe I was just feeling it happen in my real life body? I remember waking up still having an orgasm in my waking body… hope thats not too much info! haha

I think It also just get better the more times you try.
Because you can imagine all the sensations and you get better at it.
The only problem is sometimes afterwards when it seems possible to lose
Sometimes I go right into meditation, 3 circle standing zen, Tibetian Dream Yoga, or Dzochen type meditation so I dont lose lucidity.
I dont recommend doing it often because it depletes “jing”, plus it sets me back on my rest :smile:

What is Jing? You actaully Lose energy? Explain PLease!

Jing is a form of energy in the body. Its kind of like steam. Usually we talk about this in QiGong/ or Internal Arts like tajiquan (tai chi) or pa kua.
Jing can usually be lost after orgasm by either males or females.
You are usually instructed not to do Qigong/Tai chi, or anthing internal after sex, or in the rain, or when its windy, or after a big meal because at these times the bodys energy system is thought to be disrupted for a time. So in short, a LOT of sex is not good for you.
However it is also possible to use “Jing” to lengthen your life. (through practice like real taijiquan, qigong, pa kua chang, hsing-i, etc…
It would probably be out of scope of this forum to go into detail here.
Good magazine, articles, free books on this can be found at:


Thats cool. My spirit guide likes to do that also. Even unsolicited.
But shes pretty cool about it. Of course then again we talk about everything.

Ha yeah once I had a dream that me and my spirit guide were having a racey conversation about sex we had or something and the other DCs were so shocked!


They were probably just jealous.

What would you guys say the biggest obstacle there is to be overome when having lucid dream sex?

There are often 2 main problems. The first is creating someone suitable for the task, and the second is remaining asleep when things heat up.

You may find that your subconscious has been kind enough to overcome the first problem for you, depending on the situation in which you become lucid. Everyone struggles with the second one though.

I’m not picky at all about who I do it with really as long as it’s not someone from RL that would be gross to get with. I read somewhere that females usualy have orgasms in their RL bodies when they do in their sleep and guys usualy don’t. It’s like 50/50 for me.

Wouldnt surprise me if adrenaline has something to do with the waking up from sex in lds…
Because when i relax it is hardly a problem anymore…
Would be nice to do research if the hart starts pumping faster then before u started with sex in a ld! That could be then a sign that adrenaline has some real influence here!

:blush: blushing from adrenaline…lol


Who are we going to get to do this? :eek:


uhh… jack :wink:

Actually in one of LaBerge’s books (I’m pretty sure it was him) they did an experiment on that. They tested increased breathing, heart rate and amount of sexual arousal :eek: . Scary but true. I forget the results though. :shrug:


Ill have to buy it! Do you remember the name?


I’m pretty sure it was the one called simply “Lucid Dreaming.” I got it from the library a couple times. It’s a great book.

Sounds like fun stuff.
Ill do a search also and see if I come up with anything else.

Say, I just had a thought. What if we all became experts on this subject, do you think people would think we were losers? heh :eek:
that would be crazy.
I think I would be like um… dont quote me, but if you do,
my name is spelled J-A-C-K

Just kidding jack, we have to give you a little grief.

“Lucid Dreaming” was the title of Stephen LaBerge’s first book. Well, I think it was the first, anyway.

You can download it at DJem’s site here: