Should we care about anything?

That is so true, and so frustrating to me too.

I want to believe in life after death. I really want to. But how?

Anyways: i read a really nice signature somewhere on the forums here.
something like:

“Let everybody go happier than he was, when he came to you”.

Something like this. This is a wonderful idea, a great way of life.

I think so, at least.

Ever heard of the infinite apes theory?

If an infinite number of apes
types for an infinite time
on an infinite number of typewriters
then someday, all important books of history will be written by them
just by coincidence.

Now, let’s look at this. Let’s assume, our mind, or whatever defines me as “I” is just a bunch of molecules or organic things.

If they seperate upon death then:

If an infinite number of molecules
fly around an for an infinite time
then my exact molecules are bound to come together some day again.

at least, there is a good chance that this happens. Just a theoretical thought.
Or, even if you say “that’s unlikely” - it’s something to get hope from :smile:

idk why but I put others first in my life, my life is expendeble. the way I see things, you live your life the best you can and always do whats right, then when you die, if theres nothing, you no longer have to worry about it, it there is something, then you will have something good waiting for you.

we are the apes, on the internet, stringing all sorts of ideas together, to form something.

this infinite thing makes no sense, for one thing to be infinite everything must be infinite since the infinity of one thing has infinite possibilities, so infinite apes or molecules or whatever must become infinity itself. infinity is idiotic since if something is infinite than that mean 10,000 godzillas wearing 10,000 headbands each could be fighting half eaten ham sandwhiches just sitting there, but the sandwhiches will be winning. infinity means everything must, can, and will happen and its idiotic.

Please try not to flame.

Wasn’t it Ghandi who said “Live your life as if you are to die tomorrow, and learn as if you are to live forever”?

not sure, i never heard that quote before, i like it though

i think if you really dont care you could be hope.just sleep…for ages…sleep…and dream too…just if you were nothing…
but eventually you will die. :grrr: