Signs that i'm getting closer to an OOBE ... ?

Hi all,

I am fascinated by OOBEs although i have never experienced one myself. I would love to experience this as it would answer so many questions for me.

I have to say at this stage i am a little sceptical though … which probably doesn’t put me in the best mental state to actually attempt one. Any thoughts?

I have experienced some LDs although i’m still a long way from LDing at will. I tend to find that i’m just too tired and end up falling asleep.

Whether i’m trying to LD or obtain an OOB state, i tend to follow the same process. I wanted to run over a few experiences in the hope that anybody reading this would shed a little light on what may be happening and how close i was to an actual OOBE.

I always start by relaxing my entire body. I tend to use a technique that i learnt when i went to a yoga class (the first and only time, in fact) which involves concentrating on your feet and relaxing the muscles there. Then, do the same and mentally work your way up your legs, into your torso and up to your head. I feel i’m quite good at this now and can get into a nice relaxed state pretty quickly. All the time, breathing slowly and deeply (into the belly).

Once in this state i will try to empty any thought from my head by just concentrating on the backs of my eye-lids. After not very long i begin to lose sensation in my physical body … this tends to begin with my hands and arms. I literally can’t feel my physical arms/hands although i feel as though i could ‘wave’ my astral arms around in the air. In the extreme, i have had my entire body feel this way and it felt as though my conscious mind was floating around inside my physical body but could not leave it. Other times, i have lost sensation in my entire body but my astral self still seems to be locked in at my head or behind my eyes. Not sure if that makes sense.

On other more rare occasions i have felt as though my body was all out of proportion. I have read other threads on this forum that describe a similar sensation. Examples include the sense that your hands feel massive and your head, arms, and legs feel really small. It’s a strange sensation.

I have also read threads that talk about vibrations … i have felt something similar but i would not describe them as vibrations but more of a strong fluttering sensation.

That’s it for now i think. I would be very interested to hear any thoughts/opinions/abuse from those more experienced in these matters … :smile:

Thanks go out in advance.



I would call what you describe as WILD-related phenomena. What you call an astral body is in fact the dreambody generated by the neuromatrix (blueprint of our physical body used in dreams). If you wish to know in detail how I came to these conclusions you could read this. Of course you have to make up your own mind :smile:.

if your looking for some way to have a obe, then there is a thead here called “suneye method”. sorry that i dont have the link though. if you have already been there then i cant help ya much :tongue: . well in the thread, if you havent been there, talks about the method and you can download the file. method works for ld’s and obe’s. good luck with your obe’s, hope i was of some help :grin:

Thanks for the replies guys.

Xetrov, I have read your article and found it very interesting. I would say that it reflected my sentiments already in many ways. The only difference being that i would take your argument one step further …

Being as my beliefs currently have no room for the existence of a spirit of any kind, i would argue that that any form of OOBE is purely a figment of the imagination. The complexity of the human brain is VAST and still very little is really understood about it.

I appreciate that many experiences still remain unexplained (e.g - ESP) but i have yet to hear of any experiments being successfully conducted under repeatable conditions.

In the mean time, i will continue to develop my WILD technique … :smile:

Thanks for your input.


Gavster, nice that you read it! You’re free to be more extreme of course :wink: … however I used to be the same, experiences and browsing researches (some scientists really are open minded and do reasearch on NDE, not a lot though) brought along a different opinion.

Well, you are very likely to be close to an OBE.

The astral body is real and is very simple to check it: you can go to real places in real time. And no, astral body has nothing to do with the dream body. They are on very different levels.

There are a few techniques to exercise your astral body and force the separation:
-try to roll over your astral body
-extend your astral arms to reach and feel the walls
-imagine a rope above you and use your astral arms to get yourself out of body
-go deeper into relaxation

I hope one of these works for you. Keep us posted :smile: