Simple WILD tech, hopefully

Well atleast for me it seems that it works way better to just listen to general sounds :cool: But this morning I didn’t get the popping sounds in my ears, I has something else that’s a bit hard to explain. I sort of felt like my consiousness moved around a bit outside my head in different directions. And after that happened a few times I fell asleep. But this process happened several times this morning :content:

I woke up from a dream and wrote it down and then I focused on sounds in general. After a while I got this strange thing and then I fell asleep and had a dream. Then I guess I han NREM and then a dream again. After dreaming for a while I woke up and wrote down my dreams and then did the same thing again. That’s pretty much how it worked. I was close to lucidity quite often but I think I only got lucid once.

Guess not many people are trying this or if they are it doesn’t work. Or maybe they don’t like to post about how it’s going for them :tongue: Anyway it hasn’t worked for me for a while, but suddenly today it worked again :cool_laugh: And now I’m thinking that maybe it only works when I sleep on my side :eh: Because as far as I can remember that’s when it’s worked best and today I was sleeping on my side when it worked.

Or maybe it didn’t work because I’ve barely been able to breath through my nose since I’ve got the flu a few weeks ago :razz:

Oops ! I forgot to practice your technique… :shy: I’ll try again this night. But if it works for me, it will be a miracle ! :tongue:

A little question : on which side are you sleeping, JaRoD ?

I slept on the left side this morning, but I don’t think there’s that much difference of what side you sleep :tongue:

Another idea : what about lying on the side where your clock is in front of you ? When astral projecting, it’s recommended to focus your consciousness on a point out of your body. Focusing on the noise of your clock could play this role.

I tried again this night… As for me it’s definitely a great method for finding sleep very fast… :sad:

That might work too, but I can’t try that because there’s a wall on one side of the bed and on the other side I have a “table” that’s made from cardboard boxes. But it’s so small that I only have room for a pen and paper there, and the clock I use is quite big :tongue: And I don’t have room for a larger table either.

One thing you could try is to repeat “I will realise that I’m dreaming” or something while listening to the clock. I’ve found that works a bit for adjusting how consious your are, then you also get MILD into the tech :grin:

How funny, JaRoD ! I had the same idea when I wrote the last post, but I thought : “I’ll try this technique first, then if it works, I’ll post the results”. :cool_laugh:
Precisely, the idea I had was to try and locate the thought “Realize you’re dreaming !” in the alarm clock. I don’t know if it’s easy.

Hmm, after a while of trying it seems that I can only get the popping sound in my ears when sleeping on my side :eh: I don’t know why this is, it could have something to do with one ear being blocked when I sleep on my side. And I didn’t get lucid this morning even if I got the popping several times and I did MILD and even a short WBTB :cry:

In Tibetan methods of dreaming, it’s said to be related with the breathing laterality. When you sleep on the right side, your left nostril is more open than your right nostril and vice versa (quite easy to verify, just be aware of the nostril you breathe better through). And in yoga, breathing with your right or left nostrils leads to increase solar or lunar energy (yang or yin, in other terms).
There is a running experiment about this on

well…i was focused on tiking. For few moments i dint hear ticking, but hand clapping, and i saw people clapping their hands. then i got back to reality… (im sure, it wasnt a dream)…was that an HI??

Most likely HI, but it could have been a dream too :cool:

well, now i know that i have an HI problem. When i have an HI, and move with my eyes (when closed) the HI are gone! but i can’t
sleep without moving with my eyes!

Yes, you can’t move your eyes when having HI unless it’s very stable. So you have to learn how to watch it without moving your eyes. Then if you manage to get into a dream or if the HI fills your entire field of vision, you will be able to move your eyes. But then it’s your dream eyes you are moving :smile:

Ohhhh so ive had HI in most of my nights, but dint know about it :razz:
But we can see that this method works for me…if i could only keep those HI for longer time…and go to my dream from them…let’s d it! (do…or do not…there is no try…)

I thought I would start trying this tech again since I seem to have a LD dry spell right now. And since I like tinkering with electronics I’ve made a something that is ticking louder than a clock. I’m going to try and see if that makes a difference :content:

I haven’t had a ticking clock in my room for years but I might give this a go. I’m a light sleeper so it will need to be quiet.

I don’t have a ticking clock in the bedroom. However, in our 7 month old son’s room is a white noise machine that always has ocean waves going at night. So, I’ll try listening to the waves as I fall asleep.

I’ve been having some success following HI when I fall asleep at night. However, when I wake up 4 or 5 hours later, then fall back asleep, I fall asleep so quickly, that I miss everything. Maybe concentrating on the wakes can slow my falling asleep just enough to successfully enter a WILD.

I know that white noise and other similar stuff makes me tired really fast, but I’d definately use white noise if I had it :grin:

I already tried that technique, but only on my own. I didn’t learn it. I was experimenting with my flashing light as my alarm (I’m deaf so I used to have lamp that flashes when alarm goes off) went off. I left the lamp flashing and I didn’t move at all. I used lamp as my guide… I watched it flashing, then soon I realized that I was in black void and the lamp seemed to be off. Then, I got in LD’s from there. It was awesome! :biggrin: But however, I was late for school cuz of that. :razz: hehe

So, not just sounds work… visual signals can work too. :biggrin:

I still can’t get WILD to work, but I have a technique that’s sort of close. When I wake up in the morning, I don’t move. If, in a minute or two, I don’t remember more than a fragment, I pretend I’m spinning, and think of a person, place, or thing. Within a minute or two, I’m in a dream featuring said item, and I can easily recognize it as so, and become lucid :happy:

This works well when I lose my lucidity and wake up, because I can re-enter into the LD where I left off, (mid- flight in yesterdays case).