Slowing Down Time in Lucidity

if by slowing time down you mean that while real life is going by at normal speed, your dreams seem to be days or even weeks long then yes people do it all the time.

just 5 days ago i had a dream that spanned about 2 dream days yet in reality i had only been alseep less than 20minutes.


i read that likfe twice and i totaly get what you wrote but ummm wha?

how can we have more rt in dt then rt in rt???

Richard :bounce:

Because think of it like a cube. V(of cube)= 100cm3
Real time 1 day V= 100cm3
Dream time 1 day V= .1cm3
Understand it’s less then real time.
Oh shoot sorry. I mean more dream time in real time. lol. My fault.
as you can see Dream time takes less space then real time.
Thank you.
Aother theory made by The Golden King of Avalon.

I read somewhere that although your dreams seem very long, they actually skip huge parts and your memory somehow fills that in with a long journey on the bus. That’s probably how having a whole dream year works. Except that it must skip rather a lot :eh: .

Of course, the brain might actually do everything faster with these dreams. But I think that fitting a 50-year life into 1 hour would mean going so fast that it would start humming :tongue: .

Actually, now I think it’s probably a mixture.

As for how to get from ^ to – (flatten out your dream time) - I think it might either be luck or you could sort of imagine stretching your dream time out. Don’t know how well that would work though.

No I am showing how that could work.
^^^^^^. This fitts in the same space as the other line but streched out it’s longer. Right?
-----------. Fills in as the length but isn’t as long for it was already streached out. Understand now?
What does Luck have to do with this? No offence. ( I kinda sound offencive there.)
Thank you.

Yes, but usually dream time is like just hopping along the tips ^^^^ instead of going down every hill.

Luck to become lucid in a dream which is already going to be very long.

I am pointing out that you could imagine squeezing your dream into a smaller space of time, which might help it actually happen.

i remember an experiment by stephen laburge that dream time was the same as rt. like he moved his eyes leftand right at one seconds intervals. yer well i am sure you have all heard of that.

But could his dt be the same as rt because he was trying to measure it in rt?

^^^^^^ if this is DT
________ and this is RT

well what i dont get is how you came to the conclusion taht DT is Actually a ^ instead of a .

omg i love these little symbol things what other topic did we have were we had this …thinking

And i totaly get what you wrote now :razz:

and that now i have lost propbally all of you in ym crazy twisted ways i bid you fare well

oh and just one more quick thing. what is luck anyway?

Think of it as a diagram looking from the top. No does that seem easier?
The luck question… I wasn’t the one who asked about luck.
Thank you.

for those of you that generally remember more than 3dreams per night here’s a little test for you. this works better with NDs.

  1. Recall all your dreams you had that night
  2. Work out how long each dream appeared to last, be it days, weeks, hours or simply 10mins. (bare in mind i’m talking about the passage of time in the dream - not how long the dream took in RL)
  3. Add the total dream times together
  4. now put that total next to how long you were actually sleeping for
  5. Then edit your sleep time to the aproximate dream time.

(by which i mean if you sleep for 6hrs a night you don’t actually dream for that full 6hrs, there’s an estimated time for how long each sleep cycle is right?)

Theoretically the total time that appears to be passed during dreams should be more than the real life time.

but we experience this alot in waking life too. Take books for example, there is enough detail in books to suffeciently follow the characters through weeks of their “lives” and the book it’s self only takes a few hours to read. Yet in retrospect your knowledge of that character is many days/weeks long but it was only a 300page book.
Indeed some things are cut out and may jump time in some chapters, but with a little paragraph giving a summery of what may have transpired in that time. Dreams are the same, you jump occationally from one bit to the next and usually can figure out what “might” have happened in that gap.

On another note the human brain is capable of processing infomation much quicker than we generally use it. So it would be reasonable to assume that dreams use more of this ability by going faster like watching a tape on fastforward but during sleep the brain has more than enough resourses to make it appear real time.
This is something else we occationally use in Waking life too, i’m sure at some point we’ve all had an experiece where we had to make a split second decision. Usually you will weigh the choices and make an educated guess and hope for the best, rather than close your eyes and say “that one”.

well that’s my thoughts on it - i’ll leave you all confused hehe

supernova, i read about this guy who was lding and says he lived 100 years in 2 hours. i dont know how he did it but i do believe that it can be done, i just wish i knew how…

Thats guy took drugs. So I don’t believe in that one. But I do believe in live many years in a LD.

  1. The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; fortune.
  2. Good fortune or prosperity; success.
  3. One’s personal fate or lot.
    Thats luck TimeLess_Soul.
    Thank you.

IMHO (‘in my humble opinion’ for those who dont know) you guys are making this waaaay too complicated. your dreams you are god. end of story(christ, i haven’t even become lucid yet and i know this). your dreams you are only bound by your perception of reality, yes?

3.and in your dreams your perception of reality is, in fact, the same as the limits to your imagination, right.

if we can all agree on these three things then the quesion of whether or not manipulation of time in a lucid dream is possible should have an obvious answer…DO YOU THIINK YOU CAN OR DO YOU NOT?!?

ofcourse this is all MHO :smile: :tongue:

i reead about that man in a book once called psychic voyages - good book - i believ it was robert monroe but i may be wrong, oh well youll probly be able to find some info jsut look on the net, id liek to read other posts frm people who have had similar experiences

also, he was i believe hee was astral projecting, not LD, if that makes any difference

lol thanx for taht i knew what luck was i was kidding mind you the defs taht u got there pretty good :razz: waht i mean is i dont thionk luck has a great deal to do with lucid dreaming

in theory that makes total sence. but there is one thing that you must take into account as far as i am aware at this present state. We can caontrol what goes on inside our own mind not the forces that act outside it. Weather we think we can or cant is a very good question, but it isnt think taht you should be asking it is know. if we think we can fly we might be able to if we know we can fly then we can.

To affect dream time for us we would have to one of a few things.

  1. speed up our minds so that we think faster then real time and therefor seem to stay in the dream longer. but remain inside the real times sleep cycle

  2. slow down real time and there for keeping our brain at its normal speed and also staying inside the dream for a longer time but remain inside the real times sleep cycle

  3. do both.

Now if we did 2 we affect everyone else as well…

so is it really all that simple?

I belive that there is no past present and future, they are all one in the same. hard to explain i will post a book taht explains it rahter well if you want. it is a hard thing to grasp but this may be one way of overcomming the factor of there and therefor staying inside ld for what seems ages.

But remember that the body goes through cycles beta gama and delta waves. or was theata in tehre some where i cant remember the fact is we cycle through these. we would ahve to hold our selves in beta for a long time as well. to avoid non rem.



I have been experimenting with slowing down time in my dreams. I recently had some dreams which were several years long. I had a lucid dream which i made last 4 years and i lost lucidity after a few days and the rest of the years were just me going with the flow. I had another dream which lasted 6 years in which I was lucid the whole time and able to do what I want. Through my experiements I would like to agree with Stephen LaBerge is saying that the dreams use an effect similar to movies. Time is cut and were put into a totally different imte and place but given just enough information to understand what we’ve missed plus to trick us into thinking we haven’t missed anything. That’s how I feel after these experiements.

Just for the sake of the argument, if you were to slow down the entire world while asleep, noone would be affected by it. The only thing that would change would be your relation to the outside world (how you perceive time relative to how other people perceive time). But, since you are dreaming, that doesn’t matter either.

Bottom line: It’s possible, although very unlikely.

It’s probably very easy to make it seem like several years have gone by in a lucid dream - but impossible to actually live through all of that time. It would be sort of like living through the “edited highlights” of one year, I suppose.

Well, it seems like our brain can fool us a lot. :content:
This “movie effect” looks like the best answer to this question. Maybe you’ve woke up in the middle of the night and thought that it was morning and then found out that you actually went to sleep an hour ago or so. I’ve experienced that a couple of times, and I think that may be the kind of “feeling” that fools us to believe that years have gone by in a dream.