I believe it IS possible to control time while dreaming. It is even possible to control time (to a degree) in waking life! There have been studies about time. One such study included 2 very very precise clocks (cant remeber the name of the study but a google search should yield some information). Anyways one was stuck in a plane and the other was stuck in a car. They went a set distance and after they had landed/arrived at the target area they looked at the clocks! They discovered that the clock in the airplane was minutely (Very small difference, but a difference) different than the clock in the car! They ascertained that the closer you get to the speed of light, the more time SLOWS down. This has been proven, time and time again.
Found the article…
Take for example the event horizon of a black hole. An anomaly created by the collapase of a massive gravity field (usually a neutron star) that actually bends Space Time!! Scientists speculate if you were to enter the event horizon of a blackhole backwards (facing outwards) You would see the beginnings/end of the Universe! It would effectively bend space time to such a degree that you would actually see the future!
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity clearly allows for time travel, or at least discrepancies in perceived time. This is because time is relative to speed.
“You can make time pass at different rates. This is demonstrated in the famous example of the ‘twin paradox’. There are a pair of identical twins. One twin stays on Earth, while the other is sent away on a spaceship travelling close to the speed of light. The travelling twin returns after one year as measured by her on-board clock, only to find that everything on Earth, including her twin, has aged half a century or so. The effect is a form of time travel. This has been tested by scientists with underground particle accelerators”
Time Travel using the Tippler Method
Get a bunch of neutron stars and fashion them into a cylinder about 100 kilometres long and with a 10 kilometre radius. Then spin the cylinder about 2,000 times per second. The surface should be moving at about half the speed of light by now. According to Tippler’s theory, it should be dragging the space-time fabric with it, with enough force to mix up space and time. Now fly your ‘spaceship’ in a specific orbit around the giant cylinder. This should, in theory, take you back in time, but only till when the machine first started spinning. As you can imagine, this requires some practically impossible engineering, but there are no theoretical reasons why it wouldn’t work.
The closer to light speed you get, the closer to infinity your mass gets. To travel at the speed of light, you would need an infinite amount of energy. Since infinite amounts of energy don’t exist (perhaps not in the real world ) , speed-of-light travel is impossible.
Anyways, the point im trying to get across is that if it can happen in nature, if the theories of space and time can break down… Why cant it happen in our dreams, Someone care to research and test one of these time travel methods in there next LD??
Would be intresting
(nothing is ever impossible, just highly inprobable )