Snape's Dream Journal - Harry Potter Series

[ND]22 May
Grape Snakes in Murky Swamp
“You all have one of two options. You can either remain where you are, in which case you will be returned safely to base. You can choose to help your team mate who is lost in the swamp, and unable to find her next objective, in which case - you will not be returned to base and risk becoming lost yourself”
I look around at my team mates, all wearing typical Gryffindor competition robes of red and yellow, and realise that nobody is going to step forward. They all edge slowly backwards.
I step forward, all eyes on me, and walk confidently into the murky swamp.

I make my way between slimy, moss covered boulders and blackened, slippery trees. The swamp ooze comes up to my knees, making progress difficult.
“Sarah! Sarah!” I call out my team mates name.
As I continue dragging my feet through the murky swamp water, I hear a noise behind me. I turn around, and see a *Grape Snake trailing behind me. It lifts it’s head, the largest grape - with fangs, and stares menacingly at me.
I panic, and can’t remember clearly what spell can save me in this situation. My mind becomes jumbled, confused.
“Confundius!” I say, as I point my wand at the snake.
The snake stares at me.
“Expelliarmus!” Still nothing.
“Destructus!..destructus!..DESTRUCTUS!” There is slight magical disturbance in the air, which quickly vanishes.
The snake leaps towards me, flying straight at my head, fangs sinking into the skin of my forehead. I grab the snake, snap it away from my face and fling it far into the swamp.
I stumble forwards, numb, weak, exhausted. I continue through the swamp, and find myself being pursued by another Grape Snake. I fall to my knees, crawling between dead swamp trees and sparsely scattered boulders, eventually emerging on the edge of the swamp. I see my team mates standing on the shore of the swamp, Hermione several steps closer than the rest.
I fall face first into the water, as the strength completely saps from my body.
“Harry!” Hermione screams at me.
“Harry! Somebody help him, can’t you see he needs help?!”
I push myself with immense effort out of the water, but collapse back down.
Everything fades.

I awaken, finding myself in the Gryffinder dormitary. I walk towards a book shelf in the main quarters, and find a lotus flower. I suspend the lotus flower in mid air, without uttering any incantations, without using wand, using pure force of mind and will power. The flower bobs up and down gently in mid air, just above my finger tips, as I concentrate furiously.
“What are you doing?” Prof McGonnigal asks me.
“Stop that now!”
"But look Professor, look what I can do. Isn’t it great?’[/ND]
*a snake literally made out of grapes, all strung along in a line, end to end.

This dream was pretty great, I can remember most of the dialogue and it was quite fun. Lots of HP elements - I’m not sure why I have been having lots of HP dreams lately, I haven’t been reading or watching any HP movies.

Here are some of my HP-dreams(HP and the 7th year is my favourite):

Harry Potter and the monster
I was someone in the Harry Potter books. We were in a forest. We did something we weren’t allowed to do, we saw someone from slytherin that did something suspicious, we wondered what he did and he wondered what we did, we was going to check each other from now on, he went first, it was very dark now I couldn’t see the slytherin boy anymore, I felt that it was someone else in the wood I didn’t care if someone found out what we was doing now instead I screamed “Help!” and then I woke up.

HP, Ron, Neville
I was Harry Potter, Ron and Neville was there too and they told me that Snape had become drunk and started telling Jokes

Harry Potter and the seventh year
I was Harry Potter and I was with Ron,we was trying to hide from He who Must Not Be Named, we were buying our stuff for the seventh year we hadn’t got any lists yet so we bought two books, the cost become 38.50 galleons, I was wondering if I could pay in SEK(the currency in sweden) and I also asked if they personnel could withdraw the sum from my vault in Gringotts instead of taking money from me but they couldn’t do that, when we had bought everything Ron packed down everything in plastic bags, I saw that I had my wintershoes on, I and Ron was wearing skiglasses, we had to disguise ourselves, I saw Philippa and her friend they were also disguising themselves they used crutches for example, Ron said that we couldn’t use sunglasses because then people would understand we were disguised, I said that it was a shame that Hermione wasn’t here because she would have said something like “Camoflaro” and we would be disguised, we took of our skiglass and throw them in a waste bin and then I saw something scary I saw a pair of eyes looking out from the waste bin and the person i the wastebin was wearing skiglasses and then I saw a large television screen with many pairs of eyes on it.

Harry Potter and the Phoenix feather
I was having lunch in school, I saw some people from my badminton, I sat down beside Martin( a friend) and on my other said was a little kid that was very annoying, I don’t remember all he said, but I remember for example that he wanted to be in Wolfgame(and how could he know about that?).
Bruno and I was having lunch, and Bruno pointed or told me that there was a phoenix feather and as all know a phoenix-feather brings luck so I started chasing after it, I took it very carefully but as soon as I come close it flew away a little bit but atlast I suceeded in cathcing it and took it in a firm grip.
I saw that the phoenix was fighting something in the garden I think.
Someone mentioned that a phoenix also was called Basilisk-lifter and thought that we could have fights between the Basilisk and the Phoenix but I thought that was a bad idea; people could get hurt.
Hermione and Ron come somehow the had put up some sort of spell so that Malfoy couldn’t enter the house.
I also found out that Neville was one of the best in class now, when we came to Harry Potters room Hermione had forgotten the secret knock but then I woke up

So snape, you aren’t alone plus that today I decided to reread all HP-books before the 7th one, so I might get some more HP-dreams :razz:

Cool dreams Magnus, I haven’t had a HP dream in quite a while - perhaps after I see the movie and read the soon-to-be-released novel I will again become inspired.

I’ve been thinking about doing that too. I will have to at least reread the last book before reading the 7th, I can barely remember how it ended :tongue:

for the seventh book i reread the whole series straight through. i can recall no dreams over the last month which didnt have anything to do with harry potter.

infact every time i see the slightest hint of anything potter related i do a reality ceck. which reminds me…no, not dreaming at the moment - probably

21st August
Accio Bogart
I take a deep breath and feel myself lift a little higher, each breath bouncing me back up into the air. I glide gently through the branches and leaves, approaching a dirt road at the end of the track. As I emerge through the branches a driver spots me, and stares in astonishment. I glide gently down to the earth.
I’m with Parker, Jeb, and some others. They don’t believe I can fly, so I sit down and gently move my arms up and down (similar to the Aikido warm up) and gently lift off the ground. The feeling is one of compressed air, as though I control the density of the air immediately underneath and around me.
“You only do it for attention, everything is always about you isn’t it?” Parker says to me. Angie looks on in bewilderment as Parker vents at me.
“What the hell are you talking about??” I shout back at him “Do you think I had a choice about being the chosen one? Do you think it’s all fun and games? How can you be so selfish?!” I storm off, finding a private spot to sit on the rock ledge overlooking the ocean. I hear Angie and Parker talking, but take no notice. I’m distracted by something moving swiftly towards me from across the ocean. A dark shape. Ominous. Before I have time to react it’s upon me. I have impressions of Professor Snape, Dementors, ghouls and demons, but I’m unable to focus on the creature directly, to discern a single shape. A Bogart then. I whip out my wand as I flee the creature.
“Impedimentia” I shout, the spell going awry and missing it’s target. I keep running, looking over my shoulder and taking aim.
“<>!!” I shout something nonsensical, a random mixture of verbs and vouls (similar to an Aikido ‘ki-hai’). The spell hits the Bogart and stuns it momentarily, enought time for me to gain more distance and cast another spell.
“Wingardium Leviosa!” The creature’s wand floats out of his reaching arm.
“Accio wand!” I take hold of the creature’s wand, jubilant.
The creature takes on new form, representing Prof Snape.
“Come here, boy”
I point my wand at the creature, which turns and attempts to flee through the sewer. As it disappears up to its waist into the grate, I cast one last spell.
“Accio Snape!” Nothing happens.
“Accio Snape!” My voice reverberates, becomes more powerful, and the torso of the Bogart is temporarily immobilised.
“ACCIO SNAPE!!” My voice rings with reverberant clarity, powerful, booming. The Bogart escapes, as it’s legs are detached from it’s torso by the power of my spell. I turn away from the gore, returning to my friends.

These are soem REALLY cool dreams! I wish i had more about Harry Potter=[. Ive had one where Hermione was in it but thats as far as ive gotten in that subject.

I heard for the 7th movie, theyre going to make 2 movies so that they can add more to it!