
I’ve taken some pictures of the snow we’ve gotten here over the last week:

My mother’s car, completely buried under the snow

Part of our yard, completely filled with snow almost as high as me (6 feet)

Roof cave-out

Our terrace and part of our yard, seen from my bedroom on the 2nd floor

Our terrace after we cleared a path for our cat :razz:

In the middle of the pic, you’ll see two road signs almost completely buried by the snow

Buried trees

The snow out-rises the garages at my dad’s place

My dad’s front entrance, the way up is basically a big pile of snow

An overview picture, taken in about the opposite direction of the garage pic

My dad’s terrace, no less covered in snow

A set of stairs leading from my dad’s front entrance to the terrace entrance… not easy to use those stairs :razz:

An overview pic, part of the view from my bathroom window

An overview pic, taken from my dad’s kitchen

Wonderful winter trees covered in snow :cool_laugh: These are the same trees that can be seen to the far left in the previous pic

I hope you enjoyed them :happy:

wow … it looks so fluffeh! I’ve never seen so much snow like that ever … :eh:

Okay, these pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago or so, and the snow has started to melt now. But I still want to show you the pictures!

This is a park, called Bläcktornsparken
I had to climb up there, so my hair looks horrible…
This is a bench in the park, covered with snow.

Snow…it snows at least once a year here, but nothing too bad. But hey, we’re on the coast. A little more towards the mountains, and man does it snow there. All the time in the winter. Storms, ice, whatever you want. There’s also a plateau (the “5-miles plateau”) where the temperature in the winter reaches often -20/25°C. I like it when it snows, I don’t really know why…for the “environment change” maybe.

LOL I hate snow… if you had 3 months~ long summer and rest is snow and cold autumn winds and rain, you wouldn’t say that you love snow :confused:

I miss and I don’t miss the snow.

I love watching it fall. I love how it looks on trees, roof tops and the ground (when it’s clean of course). I loved playing in it. I loved the snow that’s perfect for snowball fights. I loved watching my kids play. Once my daughter thought it would be funny to make a snow toilet. It was. :content:

I hate how much you have to shovel it all the time. Especially when the plow guy comes by and pushes more snow into where you just shoveled.

It has it’s good and bads.

I hate snow cause I hate the cold. I only like snow on Christmas. After that it should just melt. :tongue:

Just thought I would share the view I had a couple of weeks ago when it decided to snow… in the middle of March. :eh:

These were taken from my bedroom window. (rather large so I linked them instead)

This might have been better for the gathering, whatever the mods can decided in the bathroom :tongue:

I’ll merge them into the snow topic :smile: if you want?

There’s a snow topic? Wow I’m reallly out of touch :tongue:

feel free nameless mod :tongue: just make sure its the one from this year not 2004 :rofl:

the nameless mod truits Dark matter :truit: for his 2004 comment :tongue: :moogle:

Those are some good pictures, Dark Matter. It’s nice to see snow when it’s the first of April, because I know that I won’t be seeing it in a while, unless there is a freak snowstorm in May. :tongue:

I love snow, but we rarely get it here. Ugh, sucks. Every year or so, we get an ice/sleetstorm, lol. But never real snow.

It’s um… April… and it’s snowing :eek:

Nice piccies. ^^

When I go up to NJ I can finally get to see snow again! :cool_laugh: