Yes, because the “exam” doesn’t have correct answers.
I know, that’s why I was sure to note that.
I know they don’t fear death, because they think that they are going to heaven. My point was that religous people need the security of “knowing” what will happen after they die. Need for security derives from fear.
Yeah, to be good so they can get into heaven. Since the beginning of Chrisianity life has been viewed as a test to get into heaven. If you don’t believe that, I assure you, Christians 2000 years ago did. It doesn’t seem like a good purpose to live for me. I’d rather live for the sake of living. Life is a beautiful thing and it seems unreasonable to degrade this life when its all we know.
I’m only using common sense, something that religion greatly lacks.
I just really dont understand people like hekimoglu, Diggity is politley giving his own opinion. Stop being such an over frantic smacktard hekimoglu. If people didnt have open minds (something u need), religion wouldnt exist anyway. You really think that the idea of a supreme being that no one has ever seen (except in the bible that has no proof that it is 100% historically acurate) and sends down laws that sound alot like laws a GOVERNMENT would make to control its citezens is easy to beleive? I think what this world needs is a Angels and Demons scenario where the vatican is destroyed. Except all Churches need to be destroyed in all religions(temples synigogues etc.) I just wish there was a way to eliminate the money hungry hiporcitical church, but keep religion and hope in general. Though i used to be very religious (only because my parents told me to be) and am not now, i still beleive religion is an extremely important thing. Like stated many times before in this topic, it serves as a grounds for hope and reassurance. ohhhhhhhhhhh i tottally forgot, you should all read this story i wrote, it posted it a feew days ago on ld4all forums. It deals with exactly what i am talking about on this topic. It is in garden of creation, and the topic title is : "i was severely repremanded for this story…" check it out!!!
Well since everyone else is straying from THE TOPIC! A DG would only answer what your religion is or what you Subconciously think your religion should be. DGs are only a higher form of yourself.
Yes, back to the topic now…
I believe that a spirit guide is something that is a part of you which is expressed in your dreams, so it would probably tell you something which you expected it to tell you.
I agree that DCs would only give whatever answer you expected to hear, either consciously or subconsciously. Don’t be tempted to think that everything a DC says is correct.
Off topic for a moment–the thing that unfortunately gets lost in most discussions of religion is truth. Whatever all of us believe, there is such a thing as absolute truth. I think the topic of God is pretty much the most important topic there is, but most of the time people simply pass the topic off as “you can believe whatever makes you happy.” How about we try to evaluate for ourselves what seems to be correct and run with that belief, continuously re-evaluating and updating it as we learn more?
I’ve been raised a Christian, but I’m not a Christian now because of that. I’ve reached a couple of critical junctions when I had to decide if God truly seemed to be the real thing to me. Based on logic and my own personal experiences, my answer has been “yes,” every time. I cannot assert that I absolutely know this to be correct, because there is no such thing as 100% proof. But I do assert that the God of the Christian faith either exists or does not exist, just like every other deity a human has believed in. In other words, if I believed in a god that looks like a 30-foot-tall bunny rabbit that eats cows for breakfast while making bellowing noises through its armpits, but if Jesus really was the son of the one and only God, what good would that belief be doing me? I’d spend a measly 90 years or so loving an imaginary rabbit and then an eternity in separation from the God I refused to believe in.
Regardless of what we believe, there is truth. None of us can be absolutely positive of what that truth is, though…at least while we’re still alive.
I completely agree with Datameister and it seems to me that it perfectly summarizes the question. It would be totally foolish to believe dream characters (even if you believe them to be SG’s), they have been prooven to say anything many times. This would be even more foolish if the subject you think about especially matters.
What if you don’t believe in absolute truth? I agree that we should re-evaluate beliefs though. I think believing 100% in something and being closed minded to any alternatives is a very bad idea… especially if the person has crazy beliefs to start with.
Why would you spent eternity seperated from God just for not believing? If God wanted us know he existed why didnt he make us so that we are born with the knowledge that he exists? I dont understand why, if christianity was true, only christians could get into heaven. What if you are a really good boy or girl that does everything that jesus would do, except you dont believe in God?
I think you’re talking about purgatory. The Catholic church made that up. They charged people to pray for their deceased relatives who were in “purgatory” so that they may enter heaven. I don’t believe it is mentioned in the Bible at all (although the Bible can hardly be considered accurate in the first place). It was just a way for the Catholic church to make money.
Ok I have some light to shed on this topic. I remembered this topic during a LD today. I didn’t exactly ask my spirit guide, it was more like my friend who was sitting in a backseat of a car with me while going down the highway. And I didn’t exactly ask him which religion is correct, I asked him what the meaning of life is. His response was, “To eat dinner and go to sleep.” Then I jumped through the ceiling of the car and rolled on the highway. That’s the best I can do. I’d be interested in seeing how other people’s DCs answer the religion question. If you remember to do it, post it.