Spinning tech, prolonging dreams

I have foung out about the spinning techneque and i didnt see it in LD4all forum so i will post it

baisicly what you do is when you see that your dream is fading you need to quickly spin around (in your dream state of course) when you do this you will enter a new dream, it is 80% affective, i will read more about it later, this is just a quick summary

post feedback :grin:

Weird, I saw it somewhere on the site a few times (can’t remember where though).
Anyway I used this technique to stabilize my dream last night (only I ended up in the exact same place). Works for me :wink:

EDIT: Found the topic: https://community.ld4all.com/t/prolonging-lucidity/16940

The spinning tech has been around for a long time and has been found to be very effective for a lot of people DR S.LB found this tech after he had been practicing falling down in dreams and not moving, its in his book exploring the world of lucid dreaming i think from memory.

Spinning has been very effective for me, but sometimes it will actually make me wake up not sure why, each to their own I guess.

Keep reading keep learning and you will be so much stronger for it. Good luck


Yep, agreed. :wink:

And I’ve woken up while spinning too. :bored: Maybe I’m not doing it right…
Only did it a few times, anyway…

I think you would be doing it right its just iit works for some people and doesnt for other, keep prac and it might work better for you

I use the spinning technique in combination with rubbing your hands together and I find it does work. :ok: As with all things it is a matter of timing. If you start losing your lucidity and then immediately start spinning, you will regain control of your dream. If however you wait too long you will lose lucidity and wake up.

i use spinning and rubbing hands if i’m about to wake up to stay asleep longer and it really works! Spinning, if i really concentrate, i can stay in the same dream. But after i stop spinning i always stumble round in my dream like im drunk lol!

I’m having difficulty understanding both these techniques and what they
are used for.
Does anyone have a link to some solid information concerning this on
this site?
I tried a search, but it brings up more than 27 pages of threads and posts,
and the length of the list is just too prohibitive

rubbing hands and spinning around are used for keeping u in the lucid state of dreaming :smile:

Not only can it be used for helping stay lucid, but it helps (me at least) to change the scenery of the dream you’re in.
in my last LD i was in front of my house, then i flew on to the roof and spun around to change it into a beach kind of place