Super Dream Recall Method

Yes Brainhacker, i will put it in the Dreamlab section this evening!
Hope some folks are interested! :bounce::thumbs:

Well i sure am…i go also for the long range aim to use this experiment
as recognision 4 a dreamsign!



I suddenly thought of something…:smile:

Suppose u could connect a Nova device with a coffee making machine!?
Then at rem stage u could always get a smell signal…
Or a Nova device with a inbuilt coffee smell (aerosol) extract.

So each time you would be in rem sleep it gives a puff concentrated coffee
smell aerosol in your face…lol…ok this is a bit to much.

Desigirl31…ehm pb is peanutbutter i think :cool_laugh:
But what is J? :smile:


J for Jack of course:)

Yesterday no time to post the topic at Dreamlab.
But today I will.

The strong coffee smell really is a great aid for dream recall.
Beats anything I have ever tried.
I Now Brainhacker wants to experiment also with this smell
Hope some of you out there have a coffee machine
and want to try it! :smile:

Are there dreamers here with the spirit to explore
active at this forum :wiske: :bounce:

No, no Jack…the J stands for J05h. My uncle once told me “Now Josh,as long as you are looking good and smelling nice someone’s gotta like ya”
Pretty good advice, eh? It’s the truth!

J is for Jeo of corse! (it was a typo) DUH!! :cool:

P.S. J also stands for Jelly, but mainly Jeo

I am busy with writing a little piece (in fact translate from dutch to eng)
for a dreamlab experiment.
Yesterday written it in dutch now translating lol…i also had some new ideas…I think a steam machine for herbs and what ever you want to smell would be even better then a coffee make machine because it would make no noise at all. I wonder if such a device exist? :cheesy:
I found out that smell (coffee) beside for dream recall really also has a good effect at becoming lucid.
(But the smell has to be strong and not relaxing but activating :bounce: )


Well, a vaporizer is such a machiene, isn´t it?
But it is expensive, and it is noisy,too

yes it is, but its to noisy I think! :shy:
I was thinking of a sort of steam device with enough volume for
water and were u can throw herbs or coffee in lol. And then will work
as a scent inducing device because of the steam :cheesy:
Dont know if such a thing exsist? But i will look for it and else i maby develop one.
Because i think a strong smell could work very well as a dream signal 4 lucid dreams beside the positive effect 4 dream recall.

Thanx for your suggestion Traumganger!
If u have more ideas they are sure welcome! :bounce:
