Swedish Lessons

Not bad Sandra :smile:
I’ll try and tranlate all of it: I’m Hradska and I have been to Sweden. I study swedish, but I’m not good! I like lucid dreams :smile: My friend from Malmø is coming to visit, and we are only going to talk swedish or czechish(sp?), and I’m thinking it will be a disaster! Hugs! :smile:

LOOK what I found:
English<->Sweden dectonery :content:
But you still have too lurn gramars.

I think that forill or ferill would sound good.

Tack sa mycket far din Hjalp! :smile:

In sweden there lives about 9 000 000 persons.
The capital of Sweden is Stockholm.
The swedish flag look likes this
Peter Stormare is a Swedish actor.
Cornelis Vreeswijk(He died 1987) is a person from the netherlands who moved to Sweden, and he has made many fun songs in Swedish for example “Brev från kolonien”

Tack så mycket för din Hjälp!
translation: Thanks so much for your Help!

Varsågod is a swedish word you say when someone says thankyou.

Lanina has already given you some words for relatives but here is some more;
mormor = grandmother (mother’s mother)(lanina said this)
farmor = grandmother (father’s mother) (lanina said it)
morfar = grandfather (mother’s father)
farfar = grandfather (father’s father)
moster = aunt (mother’s sister)
faster = aunt (father’s sister)
morbror = uncle (mother’s brother)
farbror = uncle (father’s brother)
fader, pappa=father, dad
moder, mamma = mother, mum
Syster = sister
bror = Brother
kusin = cousin


  1. I = Jag

  2. You(one person) = Du

  3. He=Han She=Hon It=Den/det

  4. We = Vi

  5. you(many persons) = Ni

  6. They = De

Verbs; in swedish it doesn’t matter who does something for example

I am= Jag är
you are=Du är
He/She/it is= Han/Hon/Den/Det är
We are=Vi är
you are= Ni är
They are= De är

to be = att vara it’s a irregular verb but they present form is “är”

to have = att ha the present form is “har”

Jag är 18 år= I am 18 years

ett år= one year
två år = two years

to write= att skriva, present form “skriver”
to read = att läsa, present form “läser”
to dream= att drömma, present form “drömmer”
to see= att se, present form “ser” for example Jag ser två hundar. = I see two dogs.
to sing= att sjunga


some more new words;
night = natt
day = dag

Now you should be able to write something short about yourself and your family like this

Jag heter Magnus.
Jag är 18 år.
Jag har en syster och en bror.
Jag har en katt.

My name is Magnus.
I’m 18 years.
I have a sister and a brother.
I have a cat

I don’t have a cat just so you know

that is so handy, in dutch (as in english) you only have ‘grandmother, and grandfather’ and it doesn’t specify if it is the mother of your mother, or the father of your mother etc.

so i keep having to say: my grandma, the mother of my mother, … etc… smart swedish :yes:

Hejsan :smile:
jag kan lite svenska. det aer inte saa svaart :smile:
den haer traaden aer en bra plats att traena svenska.
kanske kan du posta naagra korta barnsagor och deras oeversaettning som laesningmaterial ? kan du ocksaa foereslaa naagra svenska saanger som jag kan ladda ner?
tack :smile:

Hello :smile:
i know a little swedish. it is not so hard :smile:
this thread is a good place to practice swedish.
maybe you can post some short kid-stories and their translation as reading material? can you also suggest some swedish songs that i can download (ladda = load; ner = down) ?
thanks :smile:

Q: Swedish people is smart :razz:
Dark Sider:Nothing wrong in Dark siders swedish.
He get’s top grades :tongue: , Well that was a good suggestion, I’ll see what I can find for stories.
You can download the swedish national anthem: “Du gamla, du fria”

Alla svenskar som skal besöka Norge, glöm inta att ni aldri måste spörra om en nordmann vill ta en bärs med er… Det ordet betyder nogot helt annat här :razz:

All swedes visiting Norway, don’t forget that you must never ask if a norwegian would like to take a beer with you. That word means something completely different here :razz: (The swedish word for beer means poo in norwegian :eek: )

so you ask to buy them nogot? sounds like naugat:P

But “öl” still means beer, right?
Is it in norweigian or danish that “rolig” (swedish for fun, funny) means calm?

rolig = calm in both danish and norwegian I think

I’ve heard a story about a swedish young man in Copenhagen who was planning to have a night out, partying.
He asked a taxi driver about “en rolig plats” (a fun place)
The taxi driver took him to a cemetary. :tongue:

Yes, öl means beer. Rolig=calm in norwegian, I don’t know about danish…

No eveery body knows wath MorMor means :razz:

Magnus, with the relatives you did in the end english - swedish instead of swedish - english. I saw that you’re not really concequent in that. Ah… we understand :grin:

*Sandra likes that

Jag är Sandra (You can say that too right?)
Jag är 16 är
Jag här en syster. Hon heter Monique.
Jag likes (;p) drömmer. Jag likes läser dröms aussi.
Jag nich können skrive svenska :grin:

A verry important thing in swedish that differs from english is to write words together or as we call it swedish “särskrivning”.
Thiss is verry important and it can have rather disastrous consequnses.

Yo se the swedish lanuage is partially based on the fact that there are a diffrens betwen, for example:
“German teachers” (Tyska lärare)
“Germanteatchers” (Tyskalärare)

Example one does in swedish mean Teachers from germany but example two means German Teatcher (Someone who teach German).
This is rather complicated. To fully understand it you have to have moderate knowlege about constituent(something like that).

In example one the word Teatchers is the subject and German is the predicate.

But in example two Germantetchers only one word and in this case its just a substantive.

Here is another example of how särskrivning can lead to serious misunderstandings:

If you in swedish wrote:
“Jag träffade en snygg rödhårig tjej igår”
it means:
"I meet a good loking red haird girl yesterday
BUT if you wrote it like this:
“Jag träffade en snygg röd hårig tjej igår”
It suddenly means:
“I meet a good loking red hairy girl yesterday”

As you se its most likley not exactly wath you meant.
There are lots of verry funny example os of wath writing apart cand do :tongue:

Well this is actually verry diffucult indeed to explain exactly why it is like this. But if you have some basic swedish knowlege you can learn to se the diffrence. And once you get the idea its verry easy.

Swedish people do this error all the time and it doesnt look verry good at all especially if you are dealing with a serious issue. So this can be a good thing to know if you want to make your text look more serious.

A good tip to rember is that if you are uncertain if you are going to write it appart or togheter, just write it together.

Some more examples of särskrivning:

“Brunhårig sjuksyster” - “Brown haired nurse”
“Brun hårig sjuk syster” - “Brown hairy sick sister”

“Rått ägg” - “Raw egg”
“Råttägg” - “Rat egg”

“Vår kassaapparat” - “Our cash register”
“Vår kassa apparat” - “Our crappy device”

“Rökfritt” - “No smoking”
“Rök fritt” - “Smoke freely”

“Sjukgymnast” - “physiotherapist”
“Sjuk gymnast” - “sick gymnast”

A few years ago I was reading a girl’s presentation on another forum. I found this part kinda funny:
“Jag har en halv bror och en styv pappa.”
Translation: “I have half a brother and a stiff father.”
I guess what she meant was
“Halvbror” - “Half brother” and “Styvpappa” - “Stepfather”

Hallstrom :eek: :wallhit: :gni: :lol:

Swedish is fun. :razz: