Swedish study bashes European standard of living

Äh, stockholmare. :smile: Blev biten igår, alla på IRC hörde mig gnälla. :smile:

Ajdå gick det bra då? Ska man inte uppsöka läkare?

Bilder? :grin:

Actually, that is not a good thing. :down: I do not agree with the preacher but, free speech is one of our most sacred “rights” which I would not give up for anything.

Interesting, I thought that Sweden was one of the countries with more lenient drug laws. Actually I thought most vices (Drugs, prostitution, gambling etc) were legal.

:down: That’s unbelievable !!!

Generally no. Here the police can not just stop a person and search them for no reason. As DA said, the police must have probable cause and it must be for a very good reason.

Now, if you are driving a car that is a little different. Because of DWI problems the police can pull you over for almost anything. You must produce a drivers licence, proof of insurance, and your registration (proof you own the car). In most cases the police may be able to search your car and your person with the slightest suspicion you may have drugs.

In just about all other cases the police must get a warrant. Lets say the police want to search your house/apartment. They would have to go to a judge and get his permission to do so.

To add what Milod789 touches on:
In North Carolina I’ve been pulled over for speeding or running a stop sign, and cops have asked to search my car. I know I have the right to say “no” and I have excercised those rights. There is little for the cop to do but say “well, that is your right.”
but, even if they think they “smell marijuana” that is enough probable cause to authorize a search.

… and yes, we can give the Hitler sign :tongue:

You must mistake us for The Netherlands. Prostitution is legal for the prostitute but not for the customer! (yes, Sweden must certainly be the #1 stronghold of feminism in the whole world). Gambling is legal but the state keeps a monopoly. This must sound hillarious, but the state’s reason for monopoly is to controll gambling to protect it’s citisens, and people actually seldom critizise it for beeing greedy! Alcohol is also only sold from a state monopoly for the same reason. It’s expensive as hell because of the taxes. No wonder there is private import like crazy along the borders :smile:

The penalties for most crimes are really low. You can get life in prison for murder, but you get pardoned after 15 years. The only one who sat longer than 15 yrs had spied for the Soviets…

I must remember to try it if i ever go there on vacation :tongue:


Then if the officer searches your car anyway and finds something any evidence the officer finds will likely get thrown out of court.

The problem is that many people are intimidated by the police and unwittingly give “consent” to such searches.

Dream Monster

How does that work. You can sell the service but, it is illegal to buy the service.

We have the same thing here. It is called lotto. The profits from these games go to support education. There are some states where gambling is legal. But, it’s illegal in most states. That is one thing that people from other countries may find confusing about the united states. In many instances laws can vary from state to state.

Alcohol is legal here and can be purchased just about anywhere.

hmm, do you mean that only gambling there is lottery? or is that ‘company’ called "lotto and it includes more games than just lottery? :smile:
Here it’s same like it’s in sweden that there’s only one state’s gambling company wich has casinos, slot machines, sport- gambling, lotterys etc…

And alcohol under 5% can be sold everywhere, but alcohol drinks with higher alcohol % than that can only be sold in this one shop that is owned by state… And i guess it’s same there in sweden too that for example beer can be sold everywhere?

Yeah, alcohol taxes are quite high here too, but gladly now alcohol taxes has been decreased thanks to estonia’s eu membership :happy: (alcohol is so much cheaper in estonia than here so everyone would have gone there to buy it (there’s no limits how much you can bring alcohol from other eu coyntry to other))…

I don’t really know what is legal status of prostitution here… I allways have thought that it’s illegal here, but now when sweden made it illegal, there’s been discussions that it should be made illegal here too, so i guess it’s still legal in a way here… (not that i care about it :happy: )

Yeah, netherlands is the liberal one of nordic coyntries :wink:

well as a Dutch citizen i feel i have to reply here :smile:

yes, prostitution is legal, they even have their own union and have to pay taxes. Prostitution here is considered having your own business. I suspect this is the government discovered how much prostitutes earn and wanted to have some of that.

But there are limitations and specific districts where one can openly be prostitute. Most tourist in amsterdam know where, yes, the famous Red Light District.

On drugs, soft drugs are legal, that is, you may legally buy them and sell them, but you aren’t allowed to have more in your posession than a specific amount. There are coffeeshops where one can smoke pot legally, and generally everywhere you can have it.
So the coffeeshops need to buy weed from suppliers, but it is illegal to grow weed in large amounts; so a lot of ppl do this illegally. Weird laws, i know.

Also alcohol is legal after you’re 16 years of age. (if you want to drive a car you have to be at least 18, go figure). But if you are 12 you can also get away with it buying stuff in the supermarkets. They sell alcohol in the supermarkets here, and not just light stuff, also breezers and stuff like that.

what else? oh yeah gambling; also not illegal. We have casino’s and lotteries and such. The only thing is that there is a law where you have to pay taxes over what you won in lotteries. As far as i know gambling on horses (like in england) is forbidden here.

I believe it has to do with casinos. Some states can have casinos, others can’t. All the casinos are privately owned. Gambling per se isn’t illegal, I don’t think, because I never hear of police busting up home games or preventing people from gambling online.

Or maybe gambling online is just untouchable. We have seen more than a few Swedes and Finns playing on the “World Poker Tour” because they win satellite tournaments online.

Hmm I remember hearing such thing that gambling is illegal everywhere else in usa than in those native american’s (‘reservation’) areas. I’m not sure that if that is correct information?

One thing I should mention is that the criminal standards in Sweden is well, high. I don’t know how to explain what I mean but well, robberys and somebody breaking inside your house don’t happen so much. But then, we have the wierdest murders and so on. I’m sure you’ve heard of the sect in the village called Knutby? :smile:
My dad is a member of the ONI, ordningspolisens nationella insatsstyrka. ONI is like a countrywide SWAT-team (more advanced though, each “state” has it own RIG, a smaller team for smaller problems) and well, he gets called in alot. I live in a city of ~35000 citizens and my family never locks the door. :smile:

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Nja, norrbottning som man är har man blivit biten förut men då så sprutade den aldrig in något gift, det hände den här gången. Gör ont som fan, kan knappt gå för att jag är väldigt väldigt väldigt yr och är väldigt förvirrad i allmänhet men jag har fått motgift.
Tror inte du skulle vilja se bilder, 2 hål omgett med jättefin lilagrönaktig färg på hela baksidan av underbenet.

Moppe: Landet säger jag bara :smile:

Some people from ONI once scrambled in the parking lot outside my house in Stockholm, it was such a weird sight looked almost exactly like SWAT except they had dark blue wests. Don’t know why they were there cause i think they were going somewhere else to do a warrant. And yes it was in the newspapers the day after. The son of a company president had been kidnapped and released.

Sweden will never be as liberal as some european contries are now. Because feminism is strong and it is also very anti-liberal. It’s basically marxism in a new shape.

Gambling is legal in the state of Nevada, which is well-noted for the city of Las Vegas, almost entirely built up on the money people lose to casinos. There are other states, but I don’t know all of them.

Interestingly, the world’s biggest casino is in Los Angeles, California. Gambling is not permitted in much of California, but they were able to build this huge casino with the claim “poker is not gambling, it is a game of skill.”

In North Carolina we have casinos in the mountains. I think they are on Indian reservations like aneflan mentions, but you wouldn’t notice it. It’s just on a regular busy street like no other here in the US. It’s not like it’s surrounded by tee-pees :lol:

South Carolina has a state lottery that provides many different games that can be played, and profits go to the schools. I’m not sure if SC has any casinos.

Lotto - is a state sponsored game in many states which includes: various keno type games and scratch off tickets.

Nevada is the only state that I can think of where casinos are legal. Other states have casinos as well but, they are located on Indian reservations ( which to an extent is exempt from state bans )

However, while the laws governing gambling and prostitution in Nevada are lax, they do not mess around where it comes to drugs. From what I saw on tv it is a felony to be in possession of even one marijuana seed.

Yeah, marijuana seed is really really dangerous to your health compared to stuff like 500 NUCLEAR EXPLOSION CRATERS. And their fallout…

Sorry too much discovery channel lately. :smile:

No, this is not true, they have to SEE the drug… because you can smell like marijuana hours after having any in posession, etc… they could be smelling “something else” etc… they might use it as reason to insist that they search you, but you can always say no and unless they see you with it I really don’t think they can force a search.

My friends car got tagged by a drug dog once, and STILL, they had to ask him for a search, they concluded he must have ridden with a guy who was smoking recently, nothing happened to him.

I mean, then my other friend had a machete in his car (i’m not sure if they saw it or not) and they still had to ask him, if he said no they’d have to get a warrant, but I’m sure they wouldn’t have let him near his car until they were done with him.

He really got screwed over on that one… not that he should have one on school grounds but I mean, I understand feeling the need to keep something in your car for protection, I really should… especially because it’s probably okay to have a weapon in the car at college, at least, a bladed one… I’ll have to check that out.

Now, here are the shitty things about America.

Our rights are disappearing daily.

You have to be 21 to drink, but you can SMOKE (horrible for you, no high, highly addictive) at 18. Tobacco and Alcohol, kill more people combined (millions) than marijuana (0) yet marijuana is considered a “hard drug” with “no therapuetic value” and “highly addictive, dangerous and prone to abuse” … the scheduling system makes no sense, theoretically alcohol and tobacco need to be schedule one.

LSD is schedule one, WHO ABUSES ACID? Please? Who abuses acid? Maybe people that are already insane to begin with… if you abuse acid you probably won’t ever touch it again.

Crack cocaine, I heard, actually is very rarely used more than a few times due to it being one of the most harsh ups/downs available to you, yet you get more jail time for crack cocaine than PURE cocaine.

50% of our federal prison system is made up of drug dealers. Marijuana is our nations largest cash crop, hello, do you guys want to legalize it and tax it? It makes common sense… no, you let the mafia and black markets reap tons of cash.

Most often drug lords are never busted, just small and poor street dealers.

You can get life in jail for growing marijuana, any amount… 10 years to LIFE.

LIFE… do you hear that?

Seig heil! I mean, our drug laws are, I believe, as bad as Nazi Germany’s was, at least we don’t GAS PEOPLE TO DEATH for smoking pot, but it’s pretty close.

In fact, many many states are trying to make manufacturing meth a VIOLENT CRIME… okay? How wrong is that? It gets worse, under the Patriot Act a man has been charged with manufacturing chemical weapons for COOKING METH… okay?

People hate prohibition, they’d go mad if their precious beer was taken away, but what they fail to realize is PROHIBITION WAS NEVER ABOLISHED AND IS TO THIS DAY RUNNING RAMPANT.

Our penalties for drugs almost equal those of all facist regimes that happened to hate drugs, we just stop short of death, torture, and whacking off limbs.

We are modern day Nazis… nationalism is running rampant, anyone who questions the government is dubbed a terrorist lover and anti-American, all our rights are disappearing because of one act of terrorism that is HIGHLY suspicious.
www.letsroll911.org read about the controlled demolitions, the owner of the WTC admitted to having the lesser buildings demolished, it calculates the termperature needed to completely melt all supports in the WTC, and jet fuel can’t even begin to meet those temperatures, yet both towers fell at the SPEED OF GRAVITY, meaning, the support structure all was destroyed at once allowing all floors to fall at the same time.

Impossible, or damn near close to it. This thing WAS designed to withstand being hit by a plane. People on the floors that were hit described mild heat and made it out, yet… the steel was melted?

None of it adds up… it’s that damn Hitler started fire type thing… using terrorists as a reason to take away freedoms and wage pre-emptive wars.

We are Nazi Germany… no one can know how bad it is, maybe there are good explanations, but what we know is the government is hiding the truth and lying to us, so we just have to try and make our own assumptions… in the best scenario Bush is an idiot and doesn’t know what he is doing and believes he’s “right” in the worst case scenario he or someone in the government had this stuff planned.

We’re really bad.

Some college kid was charged fo rmaking a bomb threat by protesting the abu ghraib scandal… he was wearing a hood and had stereo cables attached to him, to an empty crate yeah… an invisible bomb.

wow holy reality! Is this really the place to vent out all of those controversial opinions? There are about 10 whole threads in that 1 reply :bored:

What a dumb college kid. Only an idiot would strap a look-a-like bomb to their body and step out into public in modern day times. Passing cars and people don’t have time to examine “empty crates.” People just see a “contraption” around his neck. He also intended it to look like a bomb. The kid is lucky some guy didn’t whoop his ass for scaring his wife or kids, or some “hero” didn’t break his neck.
That idiot should get charges. Imitating suicide bombers is not a peaceful protest!

and “Nazi Germany” … please? some people that actually lived in Nazi Germany would probably be offended by that comment. You just don’t know how good you have it, do you? I’m sure we are both too young to imagine what it was like then, but Nazi Germany was never able to speak out against their government like you do.

posting 9-11 URL’s to propaganda again I see. I suppose Bush and our government is responsible for the terror attacks to Madrid’s trains, and the USS Cole from years back also?
We may not know the full true story of what happened before/during/after 9-11, but there is little doubt that terrorist are attacking western culture. The western culture is what dominates and fuels our global humanity, and the terrorist want to change that.

Cooking meth is not a chemical weapon? Don’t you know meth lab explosions have been known to blow up houses, and have also taken out neighbors houses. :eh:
It may not be intended as a weapon, but it sure has the potential!

Our drug laws the last 10 years have been greatly reformed. I suggest you check norml.org/ for daily news about efforts towards reforming America’s drug laws.
“life in jail for growing marijuana” :lmao: Please tell me what state this is? Because the worst law I could find was in South Carolina it is a mandatory minimum sentence of 25years … if you are growing >100 plants. :lol: that is like a farm! Not “any amount” like you claim.

Where do you get your statistics?

Ok, you obviously have never meet or do not know a crackhead. heh. Where did you learn that?

21 to drink, 18 to smoke sounds reasonable to me. Smoking doesn’t usually make you lose your balance, become violent, lose control of yourself, forget things, or become unconscious. A certain amount of responsiblity is required when drinking, more so than smoking.

Yes, this is true in many states.
What state do you live in again?
In many states the smell of marijuana is enough for “probable cause,” but like Milod mentions refusing consent to these searches will most likely cause the charge to be thrown out. Listen to me on this one, I’m speaking from experience here. :tongue:

Sure it is. It depend’s on the situation and the state you live in. If an officer smells what he believe to be marijuana the officer would likely have probable cause to search your car. ( this does not mean the search cannot be challenged in court later.) Of course the officer is going to ask or pressure you to consent to the search. If you consent then, you cannot challenge the search later. ( at least it is harder to)

I am strongly pro free speech, the right to assemble and the right to protest. However, as the supreme court ruled “ yelling fire in a crowded theater does not constitute free speech” Now I do not know the facts surrounding the case you mentioned. The police may have been right to arrest the person in this case or maybe not. Personally, I find the method he used to protest to be offensive and in extremely poor taste. :down:

I don’t think so. I believe that we live in one of the greatest countries in the world. I agree we need to make some changes. Hopefully, a great many things will change come November.

I think comparing the US to Nazi Germany is absurd. I agree that in the aftermath of 9/11 congress enacted some laws that many ( even republicans ) regret. Hopefully those laws will just expire at the end of the year.