Take this Visual Cognition Test

hell, try counting the black shirts, I counted 19 but that seemed alot more confusing than the white shirts

what a dumbass(me) I read ahead. did’nt realize I failed already. :eh:

hehe nice yeah i didnt remember seeing the monkey suit until after i had read the spoiler, it was the same experience kind of like ‘wait yeah i did see something weird’ hmmmm interesting i think i kind of understand some stuff more, need to increase my perception and observance…great post in the LD forums by the way

It ended as he was just about to catch the 14th pass…I hope that’s right cos it seemed VERY easy. And I DID see the guy in the gorilla suit, he was in the way and he amused me

i counted 14, but one or two toward the end confused me…

and i didn’t notice the gorilla, but now that i read about it i have a fragmented gorrilla memory, which might be fake.

haha that’s hilarious watching it again.

I’ve seen this one before but despite that i missed the gorilla costume again. Not only am i blind but my memory must be getting bad as well :smile:

That was crazy. I counted 14, but didn’t even notice the gorilla!