Taking drugs in a LD

I’ve dreamed a couple of times that I was on cannabis or shrooms ND but I’ve never tried to take anything in a LD environment. Have someone succeded in that? How did you do it? You just try to take it from your pocket and hit it? I Haven’t materialized anything yet :content: .

I hope you don’t judge me for my intentions. I think we should all be open minded here :smile:.

I’ve successfully used cannabis in lucid dreams before and it feels a lot different from it when you are awake. In a normal dream I’ve been on heroin (never touched in real life and never will). All drugs to me feel similar in dreams, mostly cannabis-like with kind of a trip-like feeling.

Just letting you guys know in the case this thread gets taken down.

Although, admittedly, it is interesting to know what our SC thinks taking an unknown drug is like, legal and illegal alike. I would still prefer to take a legal drug so I don’t die in my dream or something.

Locked. previous drugs in LD topic was locked too.