Talking While Sleeping

This didn’t happen to me, it happened to my mom, I had got up to go get a snack at around 3 in the morning, and when i went back upstairs i heard her from her room ask me what i was doing, I told her i was just getting a snack, she started getting mad and told me I was supposed to be in bed. I just ignored her and ate my food and went back to bed. When I asked her why she got so angry the next morning she had no idea what I was talking about.

I talk out of sleep almost every night. My brother, who lives in the same room with me, tells me sometimes the stuff that I say. It’s kinda embarassing, but I can’t do nothing about it… Is there anyway to make it stop?

At one night, my brother told me that I screamed: “She’s gonna take over the galaxy!!! She’s taking over the galazy…” :bored:

so last time i talked in my sleep was awhile ago. my mom came to my room. I sat up in bed (eyes wide open, i didn’t blink) and said:
-LET’S GO!!! angrily
she asked
-To the kitchen. Don’t you get it?
I fell on my bed and didn’t say anything. Next day we all laughed about it… LOL, that was funny.
I have even walked while sleeping :eh: with my eyes wide open, not blinking…any of you ever done that?