Taste in Dreams

i’ve noticed that i dont smell things very often if at all in dreams. I wonder why that is if it is possible to smell things.

One thing I have noticed with food/drink in my dreams, while they generally taste as they do IRL, or as I imagine they would, I don’t dislike anything. Unlike real life where I don’t like specific foods, that same food in dreams (although it tastes the same) I enjoy eating.

Yesterday I had a dream where I am eating some barbecued chicken. I learn it is marinated in green tea and honey and spices, then barbecued with a sauce. It is delicious! It was the best tasting chicken ever! In addition to taste it had a very nice smell too :grin:

Food does taste weird in my dreams. Couple of nights ago I was eating candies in my dream, taste was unusual, not very pleasant, but I still kept eating them.

It’s actually quite rare I eat in my dreams, which is strange as I like my food a lot :tongue: I can remember eating a chicken burger when I was about 8, and it was the best one I’ve ever tasted (in a dream of course).

Lol your just like me, but in a LD i had last night i ate some peach which tasted… BLEH! It was a mix of lemon, urine, grass, rotting mouse, rotten fruit and un cooked meat… and it was all i could think about at breakfast this morning. :cry:

Once I had a lucid dream where I was inside Coles. I ran to the confectionary section and pigged out. It was so realistic that I have expected to gain five pounds by the morning. :content:

Last night I had a ND and there was this humongous brownie w/m&ms in it and it was in a pan just laying there on the floor. There were already some squares left so I took one and I think it had a taste of brownies which was so good. The square was huge though.

for some reason i always come close to eating something.

Oh sweet lord, I love eating in dreams! Everything tastes so much better then their real-life counterparts.

When I had my first lucid dream I became a dog and was fed this enormous meal of - Mashed potatoes with butter, salt, pepper and gravy, diced pineapple, grilled pineapple, steamed mushrooms, steak, and pancakes. Everything was so good; I ate more then I could in real life.
Another time in a non-lucid dream I was in my church with a bunch of other kids cleaning up, and found a huge hairy tarantula. It grossed the other kids out, but I didn’t care. I even went so far as to take a huge bite out of the tarantula. Strangely enough, it tasted like a Snickers bar.
Another non-lucid dream had me in a contest in a group wearing lavish, colorful costumes. We won the contest (I forgot was it was for) by making peanut butter and chocolate syrup sandwiches.
Another time I ordered a giant chili pepper the size of a shotgun at some Mexican resturant. It was incredibly spicy and really juicy- I kept wiping my face and hands from the juice.

I’ve also eaten custard tarts with dried squid (it tasted like strawberry cream cheese), These Mountain Dew flavors that don’t exist (They were called “Rust Dust” and “Blue Vein”- Rust Dust tasted like sour cherries and Blue Vein like a too-sweet blue raspberry candy), a live moose (I had turned into a wolf; tastes like chicken! :grin: ) this fruity-tasting stuff called “Jelly-Almond Butter”, a handful of pennies (caramel), “Soopa Lime Fizz” soda (Sprite), chewing tobacco (dirt and cinnamon), a human being (werewolf; tasted like sausage), broccoli, and these weird cheeseburgers with grass growing out of the top buns.

The strangest food I’ve had were these crackers that seemed to know that I was Lucid- On the box was a sleepy old dog and the words:

“Tired of always mining for your troubles?
Let our famous fancy dream crackers
Take you away and make you
Feel happy once again.”

They tasted like cheese and onion bread.

Just this morning I was dreaming I was eating a peach and wow! It was the most delicious, juicy thing I’ve ever tasted. Normally I don’t like them so much because of the skin but in my dream I couldn’t taste it.

A few nights ago in a dream my mom had made some kind of dessert by putting blue bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in a blender with eggnog. Mmmmmmm. Greatest. Thing. Ever.

In my last lucid dream I ate what I called a “lucidity waffle,” like a lucidity pill but much better. :content: It was plain but tasted like those waffles that come filled with syrup.

@StantheGarbageMan: “Jelly-Almond Butter” sounds amazing.

Yep I tasted a leaf and some kinda weird fruit.

i tasted things in dreams on rare occasions , the last time i did it was a totally dried up cake with a much to fat cream about it gah … butin my next LD i sure will summon up a god cook and some nice food :yes:

One time a had a dream where i ordered some ramen at a store, and i waited for about 5 min for it to be ready. When it came i didn’t eat it. I love ramen so i was dissapointed…lol

Last nght i had a dream where in this one part, my sister was holding a piece of brocolli*, and i ate it but i didnt taste anything. But i don’t remember eating it. :eh:
I rarely eat food in my dreams…

Oh yeah; once in a dream I drank this stuff called ‘Lucid Cola’ to strengthen my lucid dream. After that I fought some zombies.

I drank about 10 gallons of Milk once in a LD, just because it tasted so good and I couldn’t get full of them.
Food smell and taste in dreams are usually better for me.

Dream food is great. In lucids i have eaten chips, chocolate, a buffet, bread, grapes, and other stuff and it tastes so life like.

I can’t remember to have tasted anything unfortunately.

I had eaten food in dreams twice.

The first time I had a dream I was eating a vanilla ice cream cone. Later, when I woke up, I was chewing on my blanket.

Then, the second time, I was eating a giant salted pretzel. When I woke up, I still tasted it. It was HOrIBLE! It was WAY WAY WAY TOO SALTY! ICK! :tongue:

I drank some cola once but I didnt taste anything. I dont think… Wierd. Maybe you have to try to taste it.