Telling people about LD's

I overheard mom and my older sis talking about lucid dreams…Sis read about it in her AP Psychology book at school…Then mom said sometimes she realizes she’s dreaming when it’s cold.

Of course, I was standing there, but I didn’t say anything.
I’m proud to say I did do a couple inconspicuous RCs. >.>

I’ve considered telling some of my friends about it (one friend’s told me a story about a natural LD…), but I don’t think it’d amount to anything. Just more odd looks. More. :neutral:

I tell people about lucid dreaming and suddenyl im like dream guru guy at my bording school, people say ‘i had this dream last night where…’ and then i dont usualy get a chance to recipicate, i learnt long ago that other people arent interested in my dreams but people are always ready to tell theyre own dreams.
also many people think it is weird like witchcraft or somthing.
as Shii Ann would say “stoopid people, stoopid stoopid people”

Its funny how much people that are not initially into lucid dreaming dismiss the idea. Last night I had a lucid dream and tried to explain to my friend about it and he just gave me a strange look and changed the subject. I just think people just get too stressed and stuff like that doesn’t matter to them. That is a possibility.