Test Your Power

Interesting game, though i think it hates me. The second i lost concentration, it went in. :eek:

[edit]I got bored and hit the start button a few times…this is what I got:


well theres a lot of ways you can do it… but you have to use the same thing to do it - your mind.

try to manipulate the numbers
try to get the circle in the box
keep clicking start and get the square to materialize where you want it

personally i like manipulating the numbers.

has anyone seen this site?
its the global consciousness project which works on the same princicple - that consciousness effects random number generators.

I have another program similar to the one I first posted:

once again you’ll probably have to use iexplorer to download it.

Haven’t really played with this one much, but its got instructions at the start. Enjoy!

OK i need someone to tell me how u take a screen shot of it because i just did it in 7 seconds on my first try, EASY :tongue:

printscreen, then ctrl+v in paint

i did the PSI thing in 7 seconds

[img=https://img78.imageshack.us/img78/5757/ipwnnx1.th.png] [img=https://img101.imageshack.us/img101/4892/ipwnid8.th.png]

very nice my record is around 5 or 6 although i think its just luck

well u guys are taking it the rong way i think, its not telekanisis where u guide the dot in the square with ur mind, its future prediction. Im getting better each time, but before u even click start u have to concentrate very hard and tell urself,

The circle will go into the square in this ammount of time, or it will happen withing this ammount of time, or just really tell urself that its going to happen as fast as possible after clicking start, i predicited once that the square would spawn right on the circle and complete instantly and it did, but i sat there thinking about it for about 2 minutes to do that

ah, yes that would be a good way to get it. thanks for sharing that

i made a little random number generator that automatically calculates the percentage of positive/negative numbers and allows a custom set time frame in which the program tests

yeah thats right, its microkinesis which is affecting the outcome of future events using your mind. works with everything… such as imagining that car parking space just before you drive up to the shop, or imagining all the traffic lights turning green just as you approach them. The bad news is that microkinesis also works if you get paranoid and start imagining cops or radar traps whilst your driving :razz:

then theres macrokinesis which is affecting the outcomes of current events using your mind. i’m not sure if telekinesis is considered macrokinesis, because i believe TK is done using energy from your body along with the power of your mind, not just using your mind alone.

sirius)(black - can you possibly upload that random number generator to somewhere so we can download it and give it a shot?

Yea, no one read the first post properly i guess, and its true tk is done with the mind. now the thing with macrokinesis is it can have a bad outcome, like ur thinking, man i hope i win that lotto, or ur future seeing urself winning it, or trying to predict it happening, but if u even the slightest bit subconciusly think that its not going to happen it wont, the negative is always stronger than the possitive when it comes to macrokinesis. Stay possitive and stay focused.

WOOO ok i looked at this and the quotes really messsed up baad, but my part in this starts with Yea no one read the first part properly i guess,

THe rest of teh stuff is what i was quoting [mod]I put

in front of it, and I hope it appears fine now :content:[/mod]

yeah micro/macrokinesis is sort of like that movie “The Secret” based around the Law of Attraction. For it to work, you need to re-create the feeling of what your trying to acheive. So if your trying to win lotto, you need to imagine what that would feel like, imagine what you’d do with the money in great detail, actually make plans, cut out pictures of the house you would buy, test drive those nice expensive cars, do whatever you can to try and re-create what it would feel like if you really did win. If you can experience those feelings now, then it puts out a more positive vibe and you will attract it into your life.

illusion, just put a

tag at the start of your post and it’ll be fine
i’ll host the RNG at host-a if you don’t mind that host
edit: oh… host-a is offline :@

there, it should be up and running now at esnips.com/web/ld4all/?flush=1
we can use that as the large ld4all shared folder or w/e:P

why’d you upload the same image 4 times btw?

Cause i suck at uploading images on this sight lol. on sights that i go u just upload directly onto the sight and this one is a bit diff for me so i put them all there just to be sure i did it right

sites actually:P

well, annyway, did annyone check the RNG yet?

hehe nice desktop backround :tongue:

Rofl yea, thanks, its my reality check to, i look at it, and then look away, and then if i turn back and shes standing beside me naked, i know im dreamin, rofl

haha nice =P

moved into existing topic after consulting Benny :moogle:

So, this is a page with telekinesis games, register and do the game you want to, or try them all, im using this to practice my skills in telekinesis.

i did the location test and i got this score

“End of run. Your combined results for this run are odds of 723 to 1.
This is a great score!”

thou im not really skilled yet i started doing this exercise today, i guess i was a combination of luck, but one of the times i saw the hidden marker for a split second and i clicked where i saw it and i hit it bulls eye… the others i got kinda close to by feeling, i had a kind of like tingling feeling when i was close… so if your up for it, try it! i would like to see your results aswell. and keep in mind, i dont get high scores all the time, one time i got as low as 6 to 1