Hi and welcome to LD4all!
You should take a look at WritersCube’s dream journal. I’m not close to that, I’m afraid, but let’s keep practicing and one day who knows!
Good luck and have fun on your quest
Hi and welcome to LD4all!
You should take a look at WritersCube’s dream journal. I’m not close to that, I’m afraid, but let’s keep practicing and one day who knows!
Good luck and have fun on your quest
My list off hand…
-jump off something quite high (a roof or bridge maybe) and learn to fly.
-dive into the ocean and breathe underwater while exploring
-let myself be killed so that I can experience dying in a dream
-experiment with slowing, pausing, and speeding up time
-dance with some degree of ability (I’m not a very good dancer but always did love it anyway)
-tell off the people that treated me like dirt in life and then let them know I understand anyway
-walk through a mirror
-travel into space
-practice changing my appearance/form
1: Create a advance life on a planet I create (then walk around and act as there god)
2: Rob a bank with 5 other dream characters (would not do this in real life)
3: watch the end of the world from the moon (don’t want this to happen for real)
4: Go on a tour of the universe with my dream guide
5: jump off the tallest building in Dubai (im not scared of heights in the dream world)
6: Meet Morgan Freeman and talk about the cosmos with him, while eating a burger on mars, (frickin awesome! )
7: Fly around the entire world sight seeing the best bits.
8: save the world from a zombie Apocalypse (done this once want to do again)
9: Talk with subconscious ( A MUST)
10: Go back in time 50 million years.
These are my next 10 lucid dreams and i have even put my future lucid dreams in the back of my dream journal
I’m gonna conjure monsters and fight them with swords and crossbows (not alone)
This is what I really want to do in a LD:
1: Fill a table with a ton of food and invite DCs to come and join the feast and then eat as much as I want.
2: Be the leader of a flash mob in the middle of a city
3: Have an animal dream guide, like a sabertooth tiger or something, that is my companion in my dreams
4: Go to Hogwarts and be sorted!
5: Turn into a dinosaur and rampage through a city
-Try to make the dreams last long Writerscube style
-Have a conversation with my subconsious
During vacations, I’m learning to play guitar. So if I become lucid, it would be interesting to play guitar, just to see if my skills in real life evolve.
That sounds amazing. Something I definitely have to do once I have an LD!
[u]My List
My to-do list:
Its funny in the LD that convinced me to pursue LDing “before I joined” I asked an old lady in a house that I ran into how I can stay lucid longer, but of course she sais what any old lady would say “I think you will figure it out” lol eh
It seems the characters in my LD really fit the … character. I would also like to talk straight to my sub conscience, maybe generate another Me. huh
Last night I had an LD within a ND, but I ended up becoming lucid at a beach 1000 miles underground it seemed decently vivid but the second I dunked my head under water EVERYTHING became crystal clear! I mean insane colors, reds blues pinks purples blues sand colors and as equal Crystal Clear! I mean Sand grain clear! I was blown away during it, picked up a sea creature to check 'em out and stood out of the water and everything stayed fairly clear and vivid, but the second I dunked my head back in… Crystal Clear! I read somewhere here someone say that some LDs are more vivid than in RL, I can now agree. It was gorgeous.
The thing is I wasn’t 100% lucid, but I was able to generate extremely vivid and crystal clear vision. Now only to make that happen every time.
Goal / to-do:
Slip on water goggles filled with water…? maybe
-Having a guitar lesson from David Gilmour.
-Finding people and talk to them.
-Maybe I’ll try flying?
-Exploring mountains.
That’s it for today!
[color=green]- Surfing
These are just my goals, if I accomplish one, I will put an “X” next to it and link to the thread of a dream journal of it happening. This is going to only be lucid, if it happens in a regular dream ‘it don’t count’.
[ ] Flying
[ ] Telekinesis
[ ] Using Bending
[ ] Asking a DC who I am
[ ] Walking through a mirror
[ ] Try to run as fast as I can
[ ] Turn it from day to night and vice versa
[ ] Try to lift up a building
[ ] Ask a completely randomly chosen DC what their name is and what they do for a living
[ ] Open a door to a house and see who and what is in it
[ ] Go in my house and see if my family is there, if so, see what they say to me
[ ] Try to summon my dog
Please suggest other goals for me, I am out of ideas.
There are 3 things I’m most excited about trying: