The BIG Brainwave Generator topic part III

Hm, I experimented quite a lot with presets some years ago but never had success with it. I tried both bwgen and cool edit. However, if someone finds a preset that works please tell :happy:

The only preset I know that might work would be one that a person created for themself, since each person is different, so will respond differently to the different tones. And even at that, a normal persons sleep patterns are likely to vary so from night to night, with one night the person possibly sleeping very deeply with hardly anything being able to wake them, and another night sleeping very lightly, that even a customized preset for a specific person may only work part of the time. If there were a magic preset, I’m sure we would all know about it, and be lucid, as news like that would not stay quiet for long.

as the title says , is there any i remeber downlaoding one a while back and well lost it sum where lol, any ways my m8s having trouble sleep past few days and i thought one woulod help him.

ty in advance jimmy

ty i had jsut done a yahoo search for one and got the same :razz:

new emots omg wow :toilet:

A few nights ago, I searched decided to download some special Astral Projection Brainwave Generator presets:

I listened to one of the ones titled Lucid Dream. The descriptions said that combination of 4Hz and higher frequencies would, when listened to before sleep, cause a split in the brains frequencies, which later in the night would cause Astral Projection.

I listened to it for a while before sleep, and then went to sleep, then I woke up in the night, and tried it again, but couldn’t get back to sleep whilst listening to it, so I created my own preset of juts a pure 4Hz frequency, and listened to this for a while.

I fell asleep listening to this, but then suddenly became concious and immediately got the vibrations. I have had vibrations several times before, and so I knew the drill, and so tried to move out of my frozen body. I stuggled hard, but eventually rolled out sideways. I was then stood in my room in the darkness, and tried to gain lucidity by spinning, but ended up back on my bed, this time experiencing more violent vibrations, but with a faded conciousness, if that makes any sense. I think I got out again, but it all faded quickly after that.

I have listened to 4Hz frequencies by themselves many times before, without having OBE style experiences, so my thinking is, it was my earlier sessions of the multiple frequencies which caused it to then happen later. Presumably this experience may have still happened if I’d have just stayed asleep (or at least stayed in bed) instead of listening to BWGen again.

My theory is this:
The combination of 4Hz along with the higher frequencies, somehow causes a split in conciousness which you brain then remembers to replicate next time you are around the 4Hz frequency.

Or to explain it another way:
For example, you listen to frequencies of 4Hz (Theta/Delta) and 15Hz (Beta waking conciousness) simultaneously. Later on in the night, when your brain naturally goes to a frequency of 4Hz (which would probably be around the time a dream is naturally beginning), you brain then thinks to itself, “Hang on a minute, last time I was at this frequency, I was also at 15Hz frequency,” and so then a higher level of conciousness is achieved whilst the dream starts.

Just sharing my interesting new experience.


Experienced BWGen User & Occasional Lucid Dreamer (very occasional!)

How do you generate two frequencies at the same time? Do you run the file through the brainwave generator twice, or are you using a program that can impose two wavelenghts at the same time?

The Brainwave Generator software allows you to have multiple frequencies at the same time.

By the way, about this specific Astral Projection preset: I tried it again last night, and I had trouble getting to sleep after listening to it, so I then switched to listening to a pure 4Hz frequency, and then went to sleep after listening to that. I didn’t go lucid, but I did have a vivid dream that I remember, in which I was walking around a massage parlour, waiting for a particular girl to be available, when I suddenly realised I needed to do a poo, but I couldn’t find the toilet, and kept searching for ages, but the parlour was like a great big maze, and there were loads of people around. Eventually I went through a doorway, and found myself in part of some kind of cinema complex thing, with an escalator leading upwards back into the massage parlour, but which you could only get onto if you had a special ticket.

Well I have put the Astral Projection preset onto CD, and last night I listened to it before going to sleep. I had it on low volume, and listened to it whilst watching TV in bed, and then for a short while in the dark, and then went to sleep.

I didn’t go lucid, but I had a very vivid dream which I remembered instantly when I woke up! The decription of this preset says:

So it looks like I’m on my way there! Maybe if I keep listening to it every night, I will get lucid again!



Hey everyone :smile:

Just tried Brainwave Generator and i found it didnt do anything except just annoy me. Anyone find the same thing? or something different?


There are 2 or 3 .bwg files that actually do something.

None of them, regardless of what their authors say, give the listener lucid dreams or OBEs.

I’ve had 3 years of experience with it, trust me.


Cool, which ones actually do something? i would like to try those ones out.


Deep Mind IV really spaced me out, every time I’ve used it.

The Dream Experience 1.4 by Reggy Kennedy was killer! No lucid dreams, but definately some vivid crazy dreams.

That’s all I remember off the top of my head.


Did you pay for the Brainwave Generator?
Because i cant import files.


You’re welcome.

Did I pay for it?
Let me just say I can’t answer that question here.

You need a registered version to import files.


ok thanks

lol :rofl: :lol: :lmao: :gni:

:puh: Busted.

i tried it for the first time last night. i downloaded some preset torrents and the one i tried was, i believe, LD Test and no. 12? something about Ed Case in the description…anyway, i put it on and listened to it for about 45 minutes, and i got very relaxed, but never saw any HI. so i tried to pair it up with VILD since i couldnt WILD. every couple of minutes i would notice the sound changing because my mind would be falling asleep, so it would wake me up and my heart would pound wildly for a bit.

is it because im not used to hearing sounds when i sleep? i havent fallen asleep to music since high school, and i never sleep with headphones. do i just need to get used to it?

You should do that. The whole point of the brainwave thing is that you hear different waves right and left, and wouldn`t do that much effect if you dont hear it with headphones.

oh i did do that last night. i understand that it needs the whole stereo left right thing. but i was just wondering if that was an aspect of it not working the way it should, because im not used to it?