The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 45

Hello Spangles :wave:
It’s nice that you have an Idea what can get you spontaneously lucid. I have had 5 Spontaneous DILD s and each one has been caused by massively different things.

Hi Murmur :grin:

I know that dream journal will help you to get lucid, mine helped me :smile:

hello i’m new here. I live in France. 26 years old. I 'm interested by LD sinc severals months now. I have approximatly 6 LD and many many faka awake -is it the right terms ?-
I’m writting a memory at the univesity about LD. i’m studying Anthropology.

:wave: Hello Orson welcome :smile:

Congratulations on your LDs hopefully there are many more waiting for you. :grin:
“faka awake” Very close but I believe you mean False Awakening or FA for short :wink:
Anyway I hope you enjoy your time here :content:

Welcome Orson :welcome: We call them False Awakenings (FA’s). If you haven’t noticed yet, we have a French forum here as well:

Interesting indeed :smile:


I’ve been trying to have a LD for AGES!!! I joined the forum because I want to join in on disscusions.

Welcome nessy1, enjoy your stay here!

Hope you mange to have some LDs soon.


I KNOW you’ll have a LD really soon then ^^ Reading discussions here is only half the fun :happy:

Hi Nessy1 and welcome to ld4all :ld4all:

There are many interesting discussions, full of great ideas, to join in on and I can understand why that made you want to join :grin:

:welcome: hello Orson and Nessy1, welcome to LD4all :yay:

I look forward to reading all your future posts and any dreams that you decide to share :happy:

Hello, everyone. I’ve been interested in dreams my whole life, and am a natural lucid dreamer. I never put much effort in it, just enough to keep it from disappearing. I always thought that my normal dreams were more interesting. I still do, but lucid dreams are a different kind of interesting. It’s good to mix it up once in a while. :smile:

Reality checking never does it for me (the dream always makes up some reason why it failed, heh) so I just keep a dream journal and go with the random lucid dreams I get every once in a while. Discussing lucid dreams with people and reading others’ experiences usually makes random into a once or twice a week thing, so here I am :content:

As for things outside of dreaming… well, my life is not that interesting. I’m going to college in a few weeks for computer science and spend most of my free time either reading things on the internet or playing PC games. I’ll grab a good book every once in a while, too.

So, ah… hope to see you around. Happy dreaming, everyone :flower:

Hello Staan! :3

I’m new here to ld4all as well. Everyone can just call me Random Hawk (named after my spirit guide). I’ve been interested in dreams all my life, and always seem to remember at least one a night. I love interpreting my dreams and connecting them to my life. I have LDed naturally a few times but never intentionally. I started last night with the MILD technique, but no luck so far. Hopefully I will get better at it as the nights go on.

I hope talking to people here on the forums will help my knowledge grow in LDing and soon I will be having some of my own.

:welcome: So your SG introduced himself as Random Hawk? :woo: :razz:

:wave: hello Staan and Random Hawk :grin:

:yes: my mind is too good at making up reasons for weird stuff :tongue:
I hope you decide to share some of your lucid and normal dreams with us (in the dream diary forum (or stuff dreams are made of) forums :content:

:hide: I have an awful habit of shortening people’s names … so I’ll probably end up calling you random or hawk :peek:

Well you have the knowledge that you can LD so it will happen soon enough :happy:

Welcome Staan and Random Hawk.

I like the avatar you made of your SG Random Hawk.

Hi Staan and Random Hawk

Welcome to the forum, I wish you both lots of luck with your lucid journeys :grin:

Hi I’m new here :smile: I’ve been interested in LDing for a while now but I’ve had very little success (I think I’ve had one since I started trying :neutral: Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it here

Hey :welcome:
Very few people have had great success when they join here, but I’m that you’ll end up being one of our members WITH great success.

Hello everybody! :user:

It’s nice to be here. Actually, I’m not really new to ld4all, I started visiting the website from time to time several years ago. When I was 19, I had a spontaneous lucid dream (I didn’t know anything about LDs back then), which was an exciting experience of course, especially because my dream connected to dreams of two other people. In the years since I had several dream experiences that were kinda close to an LD, but essentially different.

In the recent years I tried several LD techniques, but I guess I’m not very motivated. Yet I hope to get back to LDing at some time…and I hope we’ll have a nice time together :smile:

:welcome: hello nightmaster and sky :grin: welcome to LD4all

I hope you post it in our big My First LD Collection topic in the dream diary forum.

The forum really helps with motivation it’s a lot better than hearing about it and then trying to go it alone :smile:

nightmaster, Why do you say “I think I’ve had one since I started trying”? Was it low level or very short?

I hope you both enjoy your time at LD4all :yay:

[mod]here is the link to The Big “Hi, I’m New Here!” Topic - Part 46 :moogle: [/mod]