the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 53

Hello Gaius and gouranga!
Good luck with your recall Garius :wink:

Hey everyone. I’m new to these forums but I’ve observed lucid dreams for a while now but i have only managed to recieve only two of them. I just need help on keeping my consciousness as i drift off to sleep. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh yea this site is really awesome!

It is :yes:
Couting is a good method … another is moving your index finger while you fall asleep …

:welcome: welcome to the forum gouranga :grouphug:
I hope you enjoy your time spent here and that I can look forward to reading a lot of interesting posts about your dreaming experiences etc

:wave: hello TwilightNaught
Have you read the information on the main site yet? FILD seems to be very effective, you may wish to read about it in the pathways forum. Finally make sure your recall is ok, since it would be frustrating to have a LD and not be able to remember it :cry:

Oh I can recall several dreams. I just have a problem staying conscious as I am drifting off to sleep. I’ve never even felt sleep paralysis and don’t know what hypnogogic imagery exactly looks like. The only lucid dreams I had were by luck. I just so happened to recognize something in my dream that made my aware that it was a dream. I was just a matter of chance. I can’t repeat luck though :neutral:

Hi i’m Mew151 and I have had a lucid dream before. :sad:

Hello and thank you :smile:

I hope I’m posting this in the right place. :smile: I’m new and my name is Adri.
I learned about LD about over a year ago (can’t believe I missed it for so long, I’m 23). I read about it A LOT and love it. I was having LDs 2-3/week at least! All different levels of course. The best one was the first one I ever had. But now they’re gone. :sad:
So I’m back to doing as much as I can to bring them back. I learned that you always have to practice and do your part. But good news, last night I had one. I looked at my hands and they were sticks! But it only lasted like 3 seconds…got too emotional. That’s my story.

Hey, Im new to this forum.

Wow, ive never seen such a great lucid dreaming site!
Im suprised i hadnt found such a popular site beforehand.
Well, its great and i suspect most my summer holidays i will be on this site! :happy:

Wow, theres millions of emoticions!

Im so happy i found this site, its really motivated me with my lucid dreaming :slide:

Is there such things as friends on this site? As in friend requests Etc, close contacts?

If so anybody is free to add me, i love to chat :wiske:

:welcome: Ana and BlueAndWhite :wave:

Ana, you are really lucky to have LDs that often

And, BlueAndWhite, there are no friend requests or contacts or anything like that. But, you can PM (Private Message) different people in the forum if you want to talk with them privately. Or you can go into the LD4all chat room and talk about stuff.

Is, uhh

Blue & White

Not black xD

Colour of the sheets in the bed i was in on my first proper lucid dream :smile:

But hey, easy mistake. ok thanks for that info :wink:
Yeh, noone seems to talk on the chat? aw well…time of day maybe?

:wave: hello Mew151, I’m sure you will experience your very own first LD soon enough :yes:

:wave: hi Ana :smile:
Well it may have been 3 seconds but it was a LD :yay: and a good sign you are making good progress again :grin:

:wave: hello blueandwhite :happy: it’s interesting to read the story behind the nick :content:

As MorphEous said, there is the chatroom. But I personally think the best place to make friends is by reading members posts and then send pms to the people you feel a bit of a ‘bond’ towards. A lot of members give their AIM, MSN or YIM contact details in their profile and this is a good way to chat once you have got to know them a little through forum pms first.

I have made a lot of close friends on this forum :grouphug: and I’m sure that you will do the same :smile:

Oh hehe sorry :tongue:
I edited my post so it’s all fixed now :smile:

I have gotten to know a lot of member very well through PMing and Instant Messaging.

Yes lol, when i was choosing my nickname i decided i would link it to my first lucid dream, even if it was low lucidity, as i found out from this site :neutral:

Well, yes it was the bed in the actual dream, not the one i was sleeping in IRL , as i see from reading through my post im not too clear on that :tongue:

Ha thanks Morph, like i said, easy mistake x)

Thanks :content: I’m trying - i mean know - that I’ll, hopefully have an LD tonight.

oh, haha
For a second I thought you were welcoming yourself :lol:

:wave: Welcome, Mew151

Hi, I’m new here too!

I’ve been keeping a dream journal for months to improve my recall, and as a result, was able to remember my first (unintentional) lucid dream in years. It only lasted a few seconds, because it was so cool that it woke me up - but that got me reading about the different things I can do to to improve my dream life, which led me to you all!!

I’ve already learned a lot by reading these posts as a visitor, and I am looking forward to getting to know people here!

Joyousfreee (Anne)

PS I have never seen so many smileys in my life…this is going to be FUN :rofl:

Thank you Moogle for welcoming me!

:wave: hello Joyousfreee, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
That’s great news about your recent LD. [size=150][color=indigo]Congratulations[/color][/size] :boogie:
I always love those first moments of lucidness in a dream, it’s a great feeling :smile:

:grin: if you think there are a lot of official smilies on the LD4all forum … just wait until you see my DJ :tongue:

I hope you enjoy your time here and make some good friends :happy:

Hey guys (and gals), I’m a newbie. I joined about a week ago. Not much else to say. :wink: