hello nleo, Brizglace, mad9592, Starbuck, Anait, LDT, tdstaylor, Veta and discovery06 welcome to the LD4all community
It’s great to have you here too
Well, you are doing better than me I think the main thing is to always enjoy the LDs that we do get
Thanks for posting in the 30 years or older topic too
Maybe the FILD method would work better? if it usually takes you a while to go to sleep, then using WILD can be really difficult … whereas with FILD you only do it when you are very tired already and it doesn’t take much time.
I enjoy reading the DJs, so I will be following your nightly adventures
Your command of English seems good to me
Have you added yourself to Sticky: Show everybody where you are in the world part II yet?
Good luck on your lucid quest
The best place to share your LDs and indeed your normal dreams is our DJ forum (just make your own personal DJ topic in there
soooo how long did it take you to register after you found us
Nice to see you getting active I’m sure you will enjoy your time here
Don’t be shy … we don’t bite
Just make yourself at home
the guide is a good place to start. Then i would recommend a visit to the knowledge base forum - read
After that you will know which topics you want to read first
Finally I wish you all lots of lucid dreams