The BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 65

Hey I’m new and I was wanting tips on lucid dreaming. Do you think you could point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

First off, the FAQs and tutorials section, especialy tosxyChor’s training course.

Also, Bendrummin has a great article about sending the correct signals to your subconscious (make sure to check his follow-up article that he provided a link for)

Finally, you should begin to do RC’s all day everyday, and never be satisfied if you think you are awake. A little bit of doubt and a lot of curiosity goes a long way.

If you have more questions, be sure to ask the in the Quest for Lucidity, good luck and happy lucids :content:

I am new here, and I have been trying to Lucid Dream for about 3 weeks now or so. I have not had my first Dream yet and have been really interesting in the whole process. I am keeping a Dream Journal and doing reality checks etc. and can’t wait until I have my first one, and hopefully do it extremely often after that. any suggestions? and Nice to meet any of you! :smile:

Dont try too hard and dont get disappionted. Try MILD instead of WILD and i feel your pain… i havnt had my first LD either :neutral:

Hi! My name is Brook but ever since I was little my family and close friends call me Brooko and I adore my middle name Nicole creating BrookoNicole :content: ! I am 14, 9th grade. I live in Minnesota, my mom hates it but even if it’s cold I love the snow it’s so pretty. I love to read, play music, and most of all learn :read: . My family and I think I am intellectually gifted but I have not been tested for it. I have ADD and I am an optimist. I learned about LD just yesterday and can’t wait to have one :sleeping: !

Welcome EmceeLew and Brook to LD4all! :wave:

EmceeLew, a good suggestion would be starting to develop your DR to good levels, you can follow this guide for that. Good luck! :wink:

Brook, I think you’ll love dreams, they’re such a huge source of fun, inspiration, and learning! :happy: Be sure to cherish them and lucidity will spring from you simple interest in them. Sweet dreams ^^

Hi everyone,

My name is Janet and I’ve been thinking of joining LD4all for some time. I have kept a dream journal for more than 20 years; however it has been over 4 years since I had a lucid dream. Such lucid dreams as I’ve had have always been spontaneous, although sometimes with a reasonable amount of control. I occasionally think about training myself to have more lucid dreams, and actually tried it for a few months about a year ago, but with no luck at all. Part of my problem at the moment, however, is that I’m in my final year of a master’s degree and have little time for other projects - even those that I can do in my sleep. :smile:

I confess that I chose this moment to join LD4all because I’m looking for volunteers to take part in dream-related research for my dissertation - see [ I hope that in about 6 months time, when I’m finally free to explore other things, I will be able to participate more in this forum.


Welcome, Janet! :hugs:

Thanks, Q! I finally made it here :wave:

Hiya all lucid dreamers!

A couple of years ago I was into lucid dreams, I’ve had a some so im not new to the phenomen. Sometimes I still have LDs but they are not so vivid.
Im planning on getting a little active here, try to write down DJ and doing LDs again. But for the moment im really busy IRL, so im not going to be so much active now. Have to work alot cause im saving money for stuff like school and im planning on moving out. Still living at my parents. Im 21 years old.

My goal is to empower my imagination and use LDs like some healing work.

peace :smile:

:welcome: cpnamn :spinning:eek:) to ld4all :cool: you have come to the right place :grin: enjoy your LD’s, looking forward to see your DJ :cool_raz: and enjoy your stay!

Btw, nice to see fellow swedes :cool_laugh:

Thanks, I get the impression that this is a good community. Are you Swedish too ? I’ve only seen Norwegian people from Scandinavian here.

Correct, Im a swede too :cool: glad to hear you like the community :smile:

A good day to ya all! Nice to be here with fellow dreamers :smile: I had my first LD years ago, and even if the frequence of my LDs varies drastically (from 2-3 a month to none in a year)I do hold each and every expierience into the innerspace dear and am eager to spend as much time lucide as possible! “It´s a good thing”, as Martha Stewart would say :smile: I´m looking forward to get in touch with your side of the coin and now it´s readin´time :smile:

c ya in the forum!

Welcome to the forums bombe20! I also knew about LDs several years ago from before I came here (read about them in a Reader’s Digest) and had them on the occasion if I thought about them. Glad to have you here!

Mm, and good luck and hope you find lots of helpful stuff here!

Hello everyone… :smile:

I´m not exactly new, but I haven´t posted anything before. However, in the last weeks I spent more and more time here, so I might eventually say something.

I´m more active in the german forum, so I will probably stay quiet, but I love to read in the reopened cloud. Also, CALD is very interesting, something that still didn´t make it into the german forum. And, I watch wolfgames. Kind of an addict, even if I never played. :neutral:

Heya guys/gals. Pleasure to meet you all

So I’ve been basically hanging around here few days ago before I registered. I got into Lucid Dreaming about 2 years ago, I’ve always wanted to view the Akashic Records and find out about my past, etc etc. hopes to get to know you guys better during the course of his stay. ^^

hi guys~!!! im new here lol… ( ofc xD ) lucid dreams FTW!!!
i got a lucid dream for the first time today
and i “think” i controlled it… i found out a lot today bcuz of my online friend who can LD as well… idk if im a natural or not becuz i found out that its a lucid dream today … im afraid i wont be able to have it again T_T

Welcome Demolicious, EclairDreamer, and faizands! Good to have you here! :grouphug:

Hope you enjoy your stay and find lots of helpful information! :beer:

:welcome: to all new dreamers!

Make sure to check out the FAQ’s and Tutorials section, there’s a lot of good info there!