The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part XXXII

:wave: hello Slow Rolling Dawn
/me wishes you good luck this time :thumbs:

how long did you try for during your previous attempts?

/me waves to Slow Rolling Dawn. :wave:

I love that name, and i love your avatar, too. The two seem to go together. :hmmm:

Oh, by the way, in your sig, you forgot to close the size with [/size] :content:

Only a couple of weeks really, nothing much. Kind of sad too, even had partially lucid dreams in that short period of time, but I just seem to get drawn away. Not today! My willpower must triumph! :uh: Right…

:wave: :welcome: dudes! :happy:

:wave: Slow Rolling Dawn

Welcome! :content:

Hey, I’m new here! Stumbled upon this while reading about lucid dreaming at Wikipedia.

Started out with attempts to astral project half a year ago. Have had some times when I’m like “Oh shit, I’m lucid!” and, bang, I’m awake. Bought a timer and hooked it with my room’s lighting today. No more annoying beeper to hinder my dream recall!

I’m off to bed now.


/me waves to CannibalSmith.

You’re…you’re not really a cannibal, are you? :scared:

Nah, I’m just kiding. I see you’re from Latvia, and I know some great people from there! :good:

How? You been to Latvia?

:welcome: hello CannibalSmith :happy:
Good luck for tonight :thumbs:
/me wonders if you will start a LD4all dream journal if you have a LD tonight :smile:

No, I’ve never been there, but I know a family that has moved here, that is, in the US. :yes:

Sveiki, cannibalSmith.

Welcome to LD4all. No biting :wink:

:welcome: newbies! :happy:

/me welcomes all the new people (newbies sounds harsh >.> )

i remember when i first showed up… 2 years ago ;_; seems like yesterday… (whatever you do…don’t eat the cookies…so moogle says )

Anglijas latvietis? Daudz te letiņu?

Just the odd word here and there.

My Grandad is Latvijan so it’s just what I’ve picked up over the years. I couldn’t hold a conversation in Latvijan though.

:welcome: :handshake: :wave: NEW PEAPLE

Welcome all newcomers. I am DayLight, LD4all’s resident floating mass of consciousness. Good to meet you.

Hey CannibalSmith :wave:, welcome!

I was born in Latvia, lived there until the age of 5 :happy: but yeah, I don’t speak latvian since nobody ever forced me to (I speak russian instead). Live in Sweden now though.

Nice to have you here! Enjoy your time here, this place becomes like a second home after some time… :smile:

:welcome: Smith

Where’s Latvia? :happy:

Under Estonia, above Belarus and lithuania and just to the left of Russia.

/me wonders if this will get moved to the playground and end up being called the geography thread.