the BIG Quest reQuest Topic Part III

Transform into an inanimate object and see what happens, and who sits on you :content:

(one that I already suggested in the Dutch forums but I hope it is allowed here)

  1. Get lucid in a dream
  2. Walk/fly/swim/whatever to a DC of your choice
  3. Ask him/her/it to find out a quest for you to finish in a LD
  4. Try to complete it in your dream
  5. Post the quest on this forum and see if other people can finish it

You can put this all in a contest with points:

  • 1 point if you manage to ask the DC to find out a quest
  • 1 point for each quest you get
  • 3 points if you can finish this quest in the same dream before awakening
  • 2 points if you finish it before the month has passed
  • 3 points for each person on this forum who manages to finih a quest that your own DC has given to you
  • 1 point for each quest you finish from other forummers their DC

At the end of the month the points are counted and the ones who have an average or above average score deserve their wings :wink:

The idea to give point for solving tasks sound very interesting to me. I’ll read a few more posts about it and then I will tell it my community.

funny, I tried this also two days ago, was quite the experience talking to your self ( a other yourself with his own conciseness ) it felt really spiritual

Become lucid and tell me I’m dreaming :joy:

This could be a future quest,but ihere it is:

Title:City Build

Task:Your task is to try and build a city in your head(you can do it during the day,as well as night).Try and make it creative,some tips are
Would there be a station,a forest?
What colour would the sun be?
What would the setting itself be?
How would houses look like?
Remember,everything is up to your imaginaton.You can change anything.After doing this,enter a lucid dream and,in that lucid dream,you should try and bring the city that you made to life.Of course,this would be in your dream,and when you make it,try to bring the full idea of the city to life.After doing this your next task would be to add DCs (Dream Characters),or your own CALD to govern the city,make sure it is someone you know and make sure they are good for the jobs,then add the people in your dream into different parts,like people to be police,maybe governors of the city while you are gone.The final task is that you enter that same city with everyone and everything still there the next time you LD.This should be finished before the month of the quest ends so you have a month to finish it.

If you do this,you will get a feather,10 for a wing!

This is just a possible future quest i would like to see out there unless it is already taken,sorry if it is that case!


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Move Up!

This task Is simple. Your job is to leave Earth, and land to a planet of your choice. From there, spectate the landscape. How’d it look like? Is the sun fogging your glasses or is is really cold you see goosebumps on your arms? You are technically here trying to explore the whole landscape of the new planet. What species do you see? Do you see aliens and UFOs? Is there some th ing abandoned. An Area51?

It’s all up to you!


The task: Try to visit either a zoo or an aquarium. Take a close look at the organisms inside the exhibits, what do these animals look like? how do they behave? what kind of plants or features are inside their enclosures? And what sorts of things do they sell at the gift shop?

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