the BIG Quest Suggestion Topic

How about we all dream of one specific year in the future, and tell each other what that year is like (In our eyes… or brains I guess)

Mabye a first person shooter like the matrix? I’ve already tried this and its so much fun!

That sounds pretty cool. :grin: Go to the year 3000 or something. Matrix sounds good too, and finding your SG.

you should try to meet yourself and fight yourself. That would be fun.

I would love to be able to have a dream based in some of the PC games I play. (especially World of Warcraft). (I think if they do make Virtual Reality it will be like a BW generator that first puts you to sleep and then makes you dream of some pre-programmed subject)

I know exactly what you mean!! It would be a great idea for people to visit a game scenario in their next ld, and discover what it actually feels like to be there. I would really love to visit a scene or two from The Longest Journey, or even from Myst:Uru. Some fantastic scenery in this game, and the followers are just as fanatical as us Ld’ers - so imagine what I must be like! :tongue: .

Maybe we can dream of 2012 and what it means and what we think will happen?

that’s an interesting idea carnun.

ever since 2002, the dreamers at sea life have been participating in a project called “dreaming our way to 2012”. we had some great results. perhaps both forums, could connect on this one?

i know sunwolf (who coordinates the projects with me) had earlier suggested running it during the coming overtone moon.


THis suggestion is some sort of mix of meeting yourself and travel to a different year;

You can travel somehow to the future and meet see how you are when you’re older and than the old you can show and tell you about the future


you can go backwards and meet yourself when you was a little kid and then sees what happens

Find a DC and ask, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?”

:lol: Lol @ Carnun

Try to find the ‘computer’ to your mind and try a little hypnosis. Program yourself to say your name whenever you hear a bell, or to feel extremely cold/hot when on LD4all. (a good one for addicts :razz: )


or program yourself to shout LD4LL RULES!!! at random time intervalls :grin:

Alright, i’ll try my hand at this.

How about a battle against your “Dark Side” (or light side if you consider yourself evil). Keep in mind that this is more than just a DC, it is you and your fears. It has the power you do, and it will show up as you in some twisted way. :yinyang: If you defeat it, you win some sort of prize. It will let you do something you can’t normally in dreams, a way to get over your fears, or something else.

Or maybe make love to it?:slight_smile:

I told a dream character that she did not really exist. She got annoyed and told me that I was the one who did not exist.



another suggestion from me:

Look at the sky and see how the sky looks

Probably looks like the sky. :wink:

Stop spamming :tongue:

Snape, that’s not true, dreamsky’s can look incredibly amazing. :smile: